Alabama Pagan Homeschool List
Open to all pagan and pagan-friendly families in Alabama who homeschool.
It is run jointly by Church of the Spiral Tree and Sacred Grove Academy.
Connecticut Pagan Homeschoolers
A non-profit organization dedicated to helping Pagan homeschooling families
connect. At times we like to get together in order to meet and allow our children to interact with those whose families are
of like mind.
Creative Home Educators - North Georgia
A group of home educators who follow an Earth Centered Spirituality (many
of us are Pagan, but not all use that label). We come together for play dates, field trips, cooperative learning experiences,
and support with home schooling issues. Greater Atlanta area north.
Creative Home Educators - South Georgia
A group of home educators who follow an Earth Centered Spirituality (many
of us are Pagan, but not all use that label). We come together for play dates, field trips, cooperative learning experiences,
and support with home schooling issues.
Eldertree Pagan Homeschool
Message board with support and ideas for pagan home-schooling parents.
Florida Pagan Homeschoolers
This is not "my group" it is our group. It is open for pagan parenting discussion,
homeschool support, play groups, family ritual, drum circle events, etc.
Oregon Pagan Homeschool Group
This is a list for pagans in Oregon who are homeschooling their kids (preK-12)
It's the first step in forming the Pagan Home Educators of Oregon Network, which will hopefully be a cohesive group of homeschoolers
throught Oregon.
This Yahoo Group is dedicated to the proposition that all children are to
be respected and treated intelligently, even if they are little Heathens.
This list is open to all Pagan Parents whether you are currently homeschooling
your children or are thinking about it. Topics vary from whether to homeschool or unschool to what curriculum is best for
those who chose to use it.
Pagan Homeschoolers' List
A closed list for pagan parents who homeschool their children. You must email
list owner first.
Group of support for parents
looking for ideas to help homeschool toddlers and young children (Ages 1 to 4). This is a pagan centered list, however it
is not the sole focus of the list.
Spiral Academy Homeschool Group - CO
A Colorado-based homeschool group for Pagan, and other like-minded people
homeschooling without Christianity. Our group is for those living in or moving to Colorado. Our children range from newborn
through teens.
This list is intended for Pagan homeschoolers in the Virginia Commonwealth.
Folks outside of Virginia are welcome to join, though!
WA Pagan Homeschoolers
Since this is a support group designed for those following an earth-based
religious tradition, it is only open to Pagan or Pagan-friendly individuals.
Can We go Home, Mommy?
Now that I am slowly starting my own circle, I find myself with a dilemma
-- do I want my kids to take an active part?
Christy's Garden
A site for the teen pagan homeschooler to explore. Christy explores history,
mythology, homeschooling, poetry, essays, quotes, spirituality, and more.
Circle Magick Homeschool
Some of us forget learning is an unavoidable natural process of life. This
is why we homeschool and why we do so in a relaxed atmosphere. Now just sit back, relax and have fun. We hope you enjoy your
Lytl Wytch Pagan Family Pages
Resources for pagan families, homeschooling information and fun things for
kids to do.
A Pagan Child's ABC's
A is Athame, the
knife that we use.
B is for Beltaine, when partners we choose.... and so on.
Pagan Stories for Children
The Great Flood, The story of Rhiannon, The story of Arianrod and Gwydion,
Ancient One, The first song, Geat and the Lady, and The Leaf and the Wind.
Paganism as a Belief, as a Way of Life
I stay at home with my children and teach them what they need to learn. I
run an internet homeschool bookstore and several other internet businesses. (This homeschool mother never tells us her first
Silver's Pagan Homeschool Page
Features a pagan unschoolers' email list and a long list of good reasons
for anyone to homeschool. By Pam Sorooshian.