Places of Interest

Sacred Places
There exists too many sacred places to list them all. Some are very well
known while others continue deteriorating unnoticed, and others lie hidden and unknown to modern mortal eyes. During the time
of christian usurping, many sacred places had thier names and meanings changed. Frequently, they were destroyed and /or credit
to these places was taken from the druids, in fear of their return. Other places are debated as to being of druid origin,
but a factor to keep in mind is...who lived there. The majority of sacred places involve "holy" wells and stone circles, which
are situated in all ancient druid nations, and beyond. Some of the more popular places are listed as follows:

Photographed and published by Unichrome of Bath
Stonehenge: Stonehenge is the highly debated monument, as to who built it and why. Stonehenge
was built in 3 phases sterning many years apart. Due to the weight, distance to be moved, and other factors it would take
someone highly skilled in math to figure out just how to do this. Stonehenge is well known for its astronomical attributes
concerning seasons, and solstices, so it would tae someone highly skilled in astronomy to figure out where to align these
big stones. A highly sacred place needed to be situated in a relatively safe place but still accessible to various areas.
Multitudes of stone circles are located throughout the druid nations. Stones are thought to be a grounding agent. Circles
were symbolic to the druids. Who lived in the area or its proximity to access such a monument. All factors and attributes
point to the druid people and the nations. Today, through the co-operation of several British Druidic groups, it is open to
the general public on summer solstice morning, and a festival takes place there at that time every year.
Callanish: A very interesting monument stands in The outer
Hebrides of Scotland on the Island of Lewis. The stones are not topped with capstones as they are with stonehenge but form
an interesting shape. The stones form an irregular Celtic Cross, with a large ring of 13 stones surrounding a large central
stone. Four lines of stones extending in a cross shape from the center. The east and west lines have four stones each, the
north line forms an avenue of two parallel lines one with eight and one with ten stones. The south line is formed by six smaller
stones. The main axis is aligned to the midsummer solstice. Other astronomical alignments include the annual rising places
of bright stars Altair and Capella.
Newgrange: Newgrange
also goes by Cashel Aengus and Brugh Na Boinne. It is a "passage grave" or "passage mound". New Grange is the world's largest
passage mound of its kind, and among the oldest, being made around 3,500 BC. It is a large circular man-made mound of earth
surrounded by a ring of kerbstones. A single passage opens from the south-east face that leads into the mound to a central
chamber. The passage is angled so carefully that direct sunlight can enter as far as the central chamber, some 80 feet inside
the monument, only at sunrise on midwinter morning. Close to Newgrange are several other passage mounds. Knowth, has two passages
aligned to sunrise and sunset on the equinoxes. The Loughcrew Complex, located in a different part of Ireland, and Maes Howe
in Scotland also admit sunlight only on Midwinter morning.

tor |
Glastonbury: Some folkloric traditions and mythographic
examinations suggest that Glastonbury Tor is the mythic Isle of Avalon. It is the reputed burial place of King Arthur. A certain
thorn tree is said to be the descendant of the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, an associate of Christ, which was changed into
a thorn tree when he set it there, when he brought the Holy Grail to Britain. Avalon means "Isle of Apples", and being that
the apple symbolizes manipulation, it would certainy mean that Avalon could be manipulated as to its location, or as to whether
or not it could be seen by mortal eyes. Some archaeologists believe that, if one accounts for centuries of erosion, the sides
of the Tor are terraced into the shape of a Cretan Maze pattern.
The Hill of Tara: The Hill of Temhair (Tara),
is located in Meath, and was the seat of Irish kings. There is a stone that stands on it which is thought to be the Lia Fail
or Stone of Destiny. The stone would cry out or scream if a worthy king stood upon it. There is also a small passage mound,
which admits sunlight into the center chamber only on sunrise of Samhain and Imbolc.
Other Places
America's Stonehenge is one of the largest and possibly oldest megalithic (stone-constructed) sites in North America. Like Stonehenge in
England, America's Stonehenge was built by ancient people well versed in astronomy and stone construction. It has been determined
that the site is an accurate astronomically aligned calendar. It was and still can be used to determine specific solar and
lunar events of the year.
Located in Salem, New Hampshire From I-93 take exit 3. Then take Rte.
111 East (bear to the left side of US GAS) Follow 111 East roughly 4.5 miles. You will come to a set of lights with a Mobil
Gas Station on your left. Turn right at this set of lights. We will be down this road about 1.5 miles. (Do not look for street
names as the name of the road we are located on changes names many times). our address (105 Haverhill Road Salem, NH 03079)

Maryhill |
Washington State 97 Photo provided
Maryhill State Park is a 99-acre camping park with 4,700 feet of waterfront on the Columbia River in Klickitat County. The area is significant
for its natural beauty, its access to the surrounding natural wonders and its cultural history. A full-scale model of Stonehenge
stands near the park. Maryhill State Park was acquired by lease from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1972 at no cost.
Sam Hill, considered a local eccentric, built a "castle" for his daughter, Mary, on a hill, and named it "Maryhill." He designated
the beautiful building, originally designed as a family home, as an art museum before the end of its construction. Mr. Hill
built a full-scale partial replica of England's famous Stonehenge one mile from the state park. He also tried unsuccessfully
to establish a Quaker colony in the community in the years preceding World War II. Both Stonehenge and the Maryhill Museum
of Art are open to the public.
Located 12 miles south of Goldendale, Wash. From Goldendale: Drive 12
miles south on U.S. Hwy. 97. From Biggs Junction, Ore. (I-84, exit #104): Drive one mile north on U.S. Hwy. 97, on the
north shore of the Columbia River.