Alligator - Aggression, survival, adaptability, cunning, deceptive. stealth
Ant - Perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork, industriousness, orderliness, diligence
Antelope - Grace, beauty, flighty, attentive
Ape - Strength, mimicry, ability to learn, benevolence, protective.
Armadillo -Boundaries, self protection
Baboon - Power, vocal, messenger
Badger - Solitude, self awareness, self sufficient.
Bat - Guardian of the night, cleaner, obscurity, messenger, double nature, happiness, good luck, longevity, peace;
- hypocrisy, melancholy, revenge, wisdom.
Bee - Immortality, rebirth, industry, order, purity, soul, chastity, messengers between worlds, secret
Mother and priestesses. Community.
Birds - The soul, transcendence, spirits of air, ascent, communication, freedom, sight.
Bear - Primal power, mother, cunning, healer, gentle strength, dreaming, sovereignty, intuition married
with instinct.
Nurturing, protective.
Bear Paw - Power, direction, connection to creator.
Beaver - Builder, gatherer. Accomplishing Goals
Blackbird - Enchantment, the Gateway, the inner call. Guide, illumination.
Boar - The warrior spirit, leadership, direction, lust, gluttony, fertility, prophecy, magic, protection,
Buffalo - Sacredness, life builder. The buffalo provides all good things for living, and bestows great curing
Bull - Wealth, potency, beneficence, generative force, male procreative strength, kingship, taming of the
and animal nature. Destructive force.
Butterfly - Metamorphosis, carefree, transformer, immortality, rebirth, resurrection. Grace, light, soul.
Cat - Guardianship, detachment, sensuality, stealth, desire, liberty, pleasure, magic, lust, pride, vanity.
Caribou-Travel and Mobility
Cock - Solar, courage, vigilance, supremacy, passion, pride, the underworld.
Cougar - Leadership, courage, power, swiftness and balance.
Cow - Nourishment, motherhood, power of Earth, plenty, procreation, gentleness, nurturing.
Coyote - Prankster, insight, playful. The coyote symbolizes duality and the ability to present both sides of
issue. Clowning and humor, perhaps sarcastic.
Crane - Solitude, independence, messenger, communion, higher state of consciousness, wisdom,
Cricket-Singing, Spring, Fertility
Crocodile - Devourer, liberation, guardian, dual nature, conscious and unconscious, fertility, brutality,
deceit, treachery.
Crow - Messenger, death, wisdom, communication, the underworld.
Deer - Love, gentleness, kindness, gracefulness, sensitivity, purity of purpose, walking in the light, swift,
meek, gentle, meditation, love, longevity, wealth.
Dog - Guidance, protection, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, watchfulness, the Hunt, compassion, loyal,
steadfast, persistent in adversity. Sensitive to feelings.
Dolphin - Kindness, play, savior, guide, sea power, swift, intelligence, communication, breath control,
of tone, joy, harmony, connection with self
Donkey - Humility, patience, peace, stupidity, stubbornness, lewdness.
Dove-Love, Gentleness and Kindness
Dragon - Power of Earth, combining bird and serpent as matter and spirit, breath of life, supernatural
power, magic,
strength, wisdom, knowledge, guardian. DRAGON: benign, embodies wisdom, strength and goodness. Protector of the weak.
Dragonfly - Flighty, carefree, swift, activity, shamanistic, supernatural powers. Skill, Refinement, Relentlessness
Flighty, carefree. Dragonflies symbolize whirlwind, swiftness and activity. The dragonfly is
an important insect in Zuni
legend, where they are shamanistic creatures with supernatural powers.
In Hopi rock art, the dragonfly is symbolized by
a vertical line with two or sometimes one, horizontal
cross line.
Eagle - Divine spirit, air, the sun, power in battle, protection from evil, clear vision, success, prosperity,
intelligence, renewal, courage. Potency, Healing, Power, Illumination Divine spirit, chief of all the creatures in the air,
the primary servant of the sun. Powerful in battle,
the eagle protects the people from evil. Eagle medicine attributes
include clear vision and soaring spirit.
The eagle is associated with success, prosperity and wealth. In the Zuni Tradition,
the Eagle symbolizes
the direction Up.
Elephant - Strength, fidelity, memory, patience, wisdom, intelligence, power.
Elk - Strength, agility, freedom, power, nobility. Pride, Power, Majesty
Feather - Spirit
Firefly - Communication, Illumination
Fish-Water, Current, Flow of Life From the Earth
Fox - Cunning, provider, intelligence, feminine magic, diplomacy, wildness. Cleverness, Subtlety, Discretion
Frog - Power of water, sensitivity, medicine, hidden beauty, power. Cleansing, Peace, Emotional Healing
Goat - Vitality, fertility, creativity, virility, abundance, lust. Tenacity, Diligence
Goose - Guardian, watchful, wind, the sun, war, inspiration, swift, happiness, providence. Safe return, Love of home
Grizzly Bear - Mother, nature's pharmacist
Hare - rebirth, rejuvenation, resurrection, intuition, balance, fertility, fire, madness, transformation.
Hawk - Nobility, recollection, cleansing, messenger, observer, Solar, clarity, discrimination, inspiration,
soul. Awareness, Truth
Hedgehog - Self-preservation
Heron - Vigilance, quiet, power of water, the underworld, tact, delicacy, renewal, life, transformation.
Horse - Stamina, mobility, strength and power, coping under difficult circumstances, love, devotion,
loyalty, the
land, travel. Life and death symbol, intellect, wisdom, power, nobility, energy, freedom,
wildness, divination, prophecy,
fertility. Freedom, Power, Save movement HORSE: strong and powerful, usually vain if a woman, warlike and chivalrous.
Hummingbird - Messenger, stopper of time, optimism, sweetness. Beauty, Wonder, Agility
Jackal - Guide of souls, associated with cemeteries.
Jaguar - Messenger, forest spirits, power.
Kingfisher - Beauty, dignity, speed, calmness, serenity.
Kokepeli - Joy, Fertility
Ladybug - Delight, Trust
Leopard - Ferocity, aggression, intrepid, Great Watcher, courage, activity, speed.
Lion - Solar, splendor, power, majesty, strength, courage, nobility.
Lizard - Conservation, agility, promotes dreaming. Letting go, Illusiveness
Loon - Communication, Serenity
Lynx-Keeper of Mystical Secrets
MONKEYS: quick and keen of wit, highly observant, curious, loving, a good parent, and excellent in small enterprises.
Moose - Headstrong, unstoppable, longevity, value, integrity. Unpredictability, Spontaneity
Mountain Lion-Wisdom and Balance in Leadership
Mouse - Illusion, Charm
Octopus - The spiral, water, unconscious.
Opossum -Strategy and Diversion
Otter - Laughter, curiosity, mischievous, feminine power, grace, empathy, joy, play, helpfulness. Joy, Laughter, Lightness
Owl - Wisdom, truth, patience, darkness, a death messenger, divination, solitude, detachment, wisdom,
change, totem
of clairvoyants and mystics. Wisdom, Vision, Insight
OX: strong, steadfast and dependable, but not necessarily stupid; faithful to the end, slow to anger, but can be very
Parrot Feather-Bringer of Essential Rain and Seed
Peacock - Recognition, Self-Assurance
Pelican - Abundance, Plenty
Pheasant - Warning, Concealment
PIG: highly intelligent, scholarly, easily angered, easily swayed and affected by emotions.
Porcupine - Innocence, Humility
Python - Darkness, feminine, power of Earth, wisdom.
Quail - Protectiveness, Group harmony
Rabbit - Alertness, nurturing. Conquering fear, Safety RABBIT: modest, fast mover, has delicate senses, and
is a good listener.
Ram - Sacrifice, breakthrough, achievement, virility, creativity, the Sun, solar power. Strength, Determination
RAT: intelligent, enterprising, has devotion to purpose, but can be devious and scheming at times.
Raven - Trickster, teacher, hoarder, healing, initiation, protection, shaman's power, transformation,
change in
consciousness, mark of a shape shifter. Mystery, Exploration of the unknown
Roadrunner - Speed, Agility
ROOSTER: quick to fight, single-purposed and persistent.
Salmon - Instinct, persistence, determination, wisdom, inspiration, rejuvenation. Determination, Persistence
Sandpiper - Quickness, Foraging, Scavenging
Scorpion - Defense, Self-protection
Seagull - Carefree attitude, Versatility, Freedom
Seahorse - Confidence, grace. Nourishing, Fathering
Seal - Contentment
Serpent - Life, rebirth, resurrection, wisdom, passion, healing, poison, preserver, destroyer, malice,
Shark - Hunter, survival, adaptability.
SHEEP: proud, domineering, strive to help and guard their fellows, and are sometimes excellent doctors.
Skunk - Perseverance, Determination Reputation, Respect, Caution
Snake - Shrewdness, transformation, life, death and rebirth, rain, fertility. Power, Life force, Sexual potency SNAKE:
observant, quick to anger, usually possesses great physical beauty and is not necessarily venomous except when protecting
the family.
Spider - Creative, pattern of life, connects the past with the future, creating possibilities. The Web of life, Interconnectedness,
Squirrel - Trust, Thrift
Stag - Pride, independence, purification.
Swan - Grace, balance, innocence, faithfulness, solitude, retreat, poetry, sincerity. Elegance, Nurturing
Tadpole-Fertility and Renewal, Transformation
Tiger - Creator, destroyer, strength, ferocity, power, anger, power of Earth. TIGER: loyal, courageous, energetic,
strong, cunning. The tigress tends to be shrewish.
Turkey-Give Away, Sacrifice of Self and Others
Turtle - Self contained, creative source, Earth, informed decisions, planning, adaptability. Love & Protection,
Healing, Knowledge
Unicorn - Chastity, purity, dreams, virtue, strength, integrity, magic, healing, freedom.
Weasel-Stealth, Information Gathering
Whale - Power of Water, regeneration, death, rebirth. Creativity, Intuition
Wolf - Loyalty, success, perseverance, stability, thought, pathfinder, teacher, intuition, learning, the
Teaching skill, Loyalty, Interdependence
Wolf Print - Tracking, movement.
Woodpecker - Prophecy, magic, power, guardian of trees, Heralds rain and storms. Change, Persistence
Wren - Spirit, witchcraft, the Oak King.