[t-] part of the art. detached and prefixed to the nom. case of n. beginning with a vow., to the dat. and
gen. cases of masc. n. beginning with s before a vow. or l,n,r; to the nom. and dat. cases of fem.n. beginning with s before
a vow. or l,n,r : an t-uan, for : ant uan, the lamb : air an t-saoghal, for : air ant shaoghal, in the world : air an t-sràid,
for : air ant shràid, on the street : an t-sùil, for : ant shùil, the eye : an t-slat, for : ant shlat, the rod : as an t-slighe,
for : as ant shlighe, out of the way [t'] for to = do, thy, your : t' athair, your father [tà], [thà] is, am, are, art
: a tà, that is : ma tà, very well, then [tabaid] nf. pl.+ean, brawl, fight. See sabaid [tàbh] nm. g.v. tàibh; pl.+an,
fishing net, spoon net [tàbhachd] nf.ind. efficacy, good effect, solidity [tabhair] va.irr. +t, give, take : tabhair
dhomh e, give it to me.; See thoir [tabhairt] nf. giving, taking, bringing : a' tabhairt leat e, taking it with you [tabhal]
nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, a sling to cast stones with [tabhann] nm. g.v. -ainn, a dog's bark [tabhannaich] nf. barking
of dogs [tac] or [tachd] va. choke, strangle [tacan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, short time, a little while [tacar] nm.
g.v. -air; pl.+an, provision, plenty [tachair] vn.+t, happen, come to pass, meet with, meet [tachairt] nf. pl.+ean,
happening, meeting [tachais] va. -as, scratch, scrape the surface of the skin [tachas] nm. g.v. -ais, itch, itching,
scratching [tachd] va. choke, strangle, stop up. See tac [tachrais] va. -as, wind yarn [tachras] nm. g.v. -ais, winding
yarn [tadhail] va. -al, frequent, resort to a place; visit, call upon [tadhal] nm. g.v. -ail, visiting, frequenting,
a resort [tadhal] nm. g.v. -ail, goal, hail [tagair] va. and vn. -radh, plead, claim, debate, argue [tagh] va. choose,
select, elect [tagradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, pleading, claiming, reasoning [taibhse] nf. pl.+an, ghost, apparition [taibhsear]
nm. g.v. -eir; +an, one having second sight, seer [taibse] nf.ind. propriety of speech [taic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a prop,
support, dependence, proximity : an taic ri, near bye [taifeid] nf. pl.+ean, a bow-string [taigeis] nf. pl.+ean, haggis;
a fat, podgy person [taighe] See tigh [tàillear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, tailor [tainead] nm. g. -eid, thinness [taing]
nf. g.+e, thanks [taingealachd] nf.ind. thankfulness [taingeil] a. thankful, grateful [tainistear] nm. g.v. -eir;
pl.+an, heir [tàir] nf. g.+e, contempt, disgrace, reproach [tairbeart] nf. g.d. -eirt; pl.+an, peninsula, isthmus [tairbh]
See tarbh [tairbhe] nf.ind. profit, advantage, usefulness [tairbheartach] a. profitable, beneficial [tàireil] a.
mean, contemptible, low, despicable, despising [tairg] va. -se and -sinn, offer, propose [tairgse] nf. pl.+achan, offering,
offer [tairis] a. kind, compassionate, tender-hearted [tàirneanach] nm. g.v. -aich, thunder [tais] a. moist, damp,
dank, interspersed as metal; timid [taisbean] va. reveal, show, make manifest [taisdeal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, journey,
voyage [taise] nf.ind. moisture, softness, dampness [taisg] va. deposit, lay up, hoard, store away [taisgeadan] nm.
g.v. -ain; pl.+an, storehouse, treasury [taisgeal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, the finding of anything which was lost [taisich]
va. and vn. soften, turn moist, make moist [taitinn] va. and vn. -neadh, please, give delight, satisfy [taitneach] a.
pleasant, agreeable, acceptable [taitneas] nm. g.v. -eis, pleasure, delight, satisfaction [tàl] nm. g.v. tàil; pl.+an,
adze [talach] nm. g.v. -aich, complaining, murmuring [tàladh] nm. g.v. -aidh, enticing, alluring, caressing, hushing [talaich]
va. and vn. complain, murmur, be dissatisfied [tàlaidh] va. -adh, entice, allure, soothe, hush to rest [talamh] nf.
g. -mhainn; d. -aimh; pl. -mhannan, the earth; earth, land, soil : air an talaimh, on the earth [talla] nm. pl.+chan, hall [talmhaidh]
a. earthly, worldly [tàmailt] nf. pl.+ean, disparagement, insult, degradation [tàmh] nm. g.v. tàimh, rest, quiet, sleep,
staying, dwelling : 'na thàmh, at rest, idle : mu thàmh, to rest or sleep [tamull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, space of time,
distance, space [tana] a. taine, thin [tanaich] va. and vn. make thin, become thin [tanalach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl.
-aich, a shallow, shallow water [tannasg] nm. g.v. -aisg; pl. -aisg, an apparition, ghost [taobh] nm. g.v. taoibh; pl.+an,
side, partiality, countenance, aid : a thaobh, in regard to [taobh] va. side with, be partial to, come nigh to [taobhan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rafter [taobh-beòil] the front side [taobh-clì] left hand side [taobh-cùil] the back side [taobh-deas]
the south; right hand side [taobh-eiginn] nm. (in) some direction [taobh-tuath] the north [taod] nm. g.v. taoid;
pl.+an, halter, hair rope, binding, cable [taoibh] See taobh [taoid] See taod [taoim] nf. g.+e, bilge water in a
boat [taois] nf. g.+e, dough or leaven [taoisnich] va. knead, leaven [taom] va. and vn. pour out as water, empty,
overflow [taoman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, baler of a boat [taosg] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a pour, a rush out; exact full of
a liquid measure [taosg] va. pour out, pump, drain, empty [tapadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, clever feat, cleverness, activity,
success : tapadh leat, `thank you', success to you [tapag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a casualty, mistake in speaking, blunder [tapaidh]
a. clever, quick, smart, bold [tapaire] nm. pl.+an, clever person of the male sex [tàr] va. get to, gain, move : thàr
iad as, they moved away [tarbh] nm. g.v. tairbh; pl. tairbh, bull [tarbh-nathrach] nm. dragonfly; inflected on first
element [tarbhach] a. profitable, productive [tarcuis] nf. pl.+ean, contempt, reproach [targaid] nf. pl.+ean, target,
shield [targair] va. -radh, foretell, divine [targradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, foretelling, prophecy [tàrladh]
vn. let it happen [tàrlaidh] vn. -adh, will happen [tàrmachadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, source, origin, gathering, dwelling [tàrmachan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, ptarmigan [tàrmaich] va. and vn. originate, be the source of, gather, settle [tàrmus] nm. g.v.
-uis, dislike of food, loathing of food [tàrr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, the lower part of the belly [tarrang] nf. g. tàirngne;
d. tarraing; pl. tàirngnean, a nail [tarruing] va. tarruing, draw, pull, attract; v.n. drawing, pulling, distilling [tarruing]
nf. g. tàirngne; pl. tàirngnean, drawing, pulling, ship's haulyard [tarsuinn] a. transverse, that crosses, oblique, across [tart]
nm. g.v. tairt, thirst, drought [tartar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, noise, clamour, bustle [tartmhor] a. thirsty, parched [tasdan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, shilling [tasgaidh] nf. pl.+ean, depository, treasure, thing laid by [tàth] va. cement, join
together, glue, solder [Tatha], [Uisge-tatha] pnm. The river Tay [tathaich] va. visit often, frequent [té] nf.ind.
an individual person or thing whose name is of the feminine gender [teabaid] nf. pl.+ean, taunt, repartee [teach] nm.ind.
house [teachd] nm.ind. coming, arrival, accession [teachdaire] nm. pl.+an, messenger, courier, ambassador [teachdaireachd]
nf.ind. message, embassy [teadhair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, a tether [teadhraich] va. tether [teagair] va. -radh,
collect, supply, cover, protect, shelter [teagaisg] va. -asg, teach, instruct [teagamh] nm. g.v. -aimh, doubt, perplexity,
suspense : a theagamh, perhaps [teagar] nm. g.v. -air, provision [teagasg] nm. g.v. -aisg; pl.+an, teaching, instruction,
doctrine [teagasgair] nm. pl.+ean, teacher [teaghlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, family, household [teallach]
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, hearth, fireplace, smith's forge [teampull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, temple, church [teanchair]
nm. pl.+ean, pincers, smith's tongs or vice [teanga] nf. g. -aidh; pl.+nnan, tongue, speech, language [teangair] nm.
pl.+ean, linguist, orator, talker [teann] a. teinne, strait, tense, rigid, fixed, tight, narrow, miserly : teann air, near
to, close to [teann] va. proceed, fall to, begin; come nigh : teannadh ri, beginning to [teannaich] va. tighten, close,
draw or crowd together [tèarainn] va. and vn. -nadh, escape, rescue [tèarainte] a. safe, secure [tearb] va. separate [tearc]
a. teirce, rare, unusual, scarce, few [tèarmunn] nm. g.v. -uinn; pl. -uinn, sanctuary, refuge, protection [tèarnadh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, descending, escaping, evading [tèarr] nf. g.+a, tar [tèarr] va. tar [teas] nm.ind. heat [teasach]
nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, fever [teasaich] va. and vn. heat, become hot [teasairg] va.+inn, save, deliver, rescue,
release, restore [teasd] vn. die [teasg] va. cut, cut off [teich] va. flee [teicheadh] nm. g.v. -idh, flight [téid]
va.irr. will go : an téid thu, will you go? : cha téid, will not go : ma théid e as ort, if it elude you [teine] nm. pl.
-tean, fire [teinn] nf. g.+e, distress, calamity, sickness, straits [teintean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, hearth, fireplace
: leac an teintein, the hearthstone [teirig] vn. fail, be spent, be exhausted [teirinn] va. tèarnadh, come or go down,
descend [téis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, musical air [teis-meadhon] nf. g.d. -oin; pl.+an, the exact middle [teist] nf.
g.+e; pl.+ean, testimony, proof, reputation [teisteanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an and -ais, certificate [teó] va. teothadh,
warm, make warm [teòma] a. skilful, expert, apt, dexterous [teòmachd] nf.ind. expertness, skilfulness [teth] a. teotha,
hot, scalding [teud] nm. g.v. téid; pl.+an, string, cord, string of musical instrument [teum] va. bite, wound, sting,
snatch suddenly at a thing [teum] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a sudden snatch at a thing : tha teum a' tighinn fodham, I have a good
mind to make a snatch at it [th'] for : tha before vow. [tha] and [thà] sv. am, art, is, are [thachradh] would happen.
See tachair [thàinig] va.irr. came [thairis] across, over : thairis air, over him [thall] on the other side, over
yonder [thalla!] come along! [thar] over, across, beyond; governs the gen. case of n. [tharad] prep.pron. over you,
s. [tharaibh] prep.pron. over you, pl. [tharainn] prep.pron. over us [tharam] prep.pron. over me [thàrladh] vn.
it happened [tharta] prep.pron. over them [thatar] and [thàtar] sv. they are : thatar ag ràdh, it is said, they are
saying [theab] vn. past tense; missed doing, nearly did : theab mi tuiteam, I nearly fell; rarely used in any other tense [theagamh]
for : a theagamh, perhaps, may be [théid] va.irr. will go : ma théid e as ort, if it escape you [their] va.irr. will
say : theireadh, would say : theirteadh ris, it would be said to him [theirig] va.irr. go [thig] va.irr. will come :
thig dha, will become him : thig ris, will please him : thig eadar, will disagree [thoir] va.irr. bring, give, take : thoir
air, persuade, compel : thoir ort, betake yourself [thu] and [thù] pers.pron. thou and you; also : tù [thubhairt] va.irr.
said [thugad] See chugad [thun] See chun [thusa] emph. thu [tì] nm.ind. any human being [tì] nm.ind. design,
intention : air tì a ghlacadh, designing to catch him [tiamhaidh] a. gloomy, lonesome, dismal, melancholy, eerie [tig]
See thig [tigh] nm. g. tighe; pl.+ean, house : tigh-tasgaidh, store : tigh-òsda, an inn : tigh-aoraidh, a house of worship,
church : tigh-leanna, alehouse. The t is broad (low) [Tigh-an-droma] pnm. Tyndrum [tighearna] nm. pl.+n, lord : na tighearnan
beaga (L.Sc. the wee lairds) [tighinn] nm. coming : tighinn beò, coming alive, subsisting [tilg] va. -eil and -eadh,
cast, throw, cast out, vomit, fling [tilgeil] v.n. flinging, casting, throwing, vomiting [till] va. return, cause to
return : tilleadh air ais, turning back [tim] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, time [timcheall] nm. circuit : m'a thimcheall, about
him [tinn] a. sick, unwell [tinneas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, sickness, disease [tìodhlac] nm. g.v. -aic; pl. -aicean,
gift, present, offering [tìodhlaic] va. -acadh, bury, bestow [tiolp] va. snatch, grasp suddenly [tiom] a. soft, timid,
fearful [tiomadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, blenching [tiomaich] va. and vn. soften into tears, become tearful [tiomain] va.
-nadh, bequeath, bestow [tiomnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, will, testament, bequeathing, : an seann tiomnadh, the
old testament : an tiomnadh nuadh, the new testament [tiompan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, cymbal, tabor [tionail] va. and
vn. -al, gather, assemble, glean, come together as an assembly [tional] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, gathering, assembling, assemblage,
gleaning, coming together [tionndadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, turning, a turn [tionndaidh] va. and vn. -adh, turn
by altering position, cause to turn, change, alter, convert, be converted, translate [tionnsgainn] va. -nadh, devise, invent,
begin [tionnsgainn] nf. pl.+ean, a beginning, an element [tionnsgnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, beginning, devising,
device, design, project [tìor] va. dry as corn, kiln dry [tioram] a. dry, barren, uninteresting [tiormaich] va. dry [tiota]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl.+n, a moment, jiffy, little while [tìr] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, land, a country : tìr mór, the mainland [tiugainn]
come, let us go [tiugh] a. thick, dense, closely set, in quick succession [tiughaich] va. thicken, set closer [tlachd]
nf.ind. pleasure, satisfaction [tlachdmhor] a. pleasant, delightful, comely, desirable [tlàth] a. mild, indulgent, gentle,
smooth to the touch [tlàths] nm. g.v. tlàiths, mildness, kindness, tenderness, smoothness; for tlàthas [tlus] nm. g.v.
tluis, genial warmth, tenderness, affection [tlusail] a. compassionate, warm, tender, affectionate [tnùth] nm. g.+a,
envy, jealousy, malice, bigotry [tobar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, well, fountain, source, origin [tobha] nm. pl.+ichean,
rope (L.Sc. tow) [tobhta] nm. pl.+chan, rower's bench in a boat [tobhta] nm. pl.+chan, roofless walls of a house [toch]
nm. g. -a; pl.+an, hough of an animal [tochail] va. -ailt, dig, quarry [tòchd] nm.ind. unpleasant smell [todhar]
nm. g. -air; pl.+an, manure, dung, a field manured by folding cattle upon it, bleaching [tog] va. -ail, lift, build,
raise, brew, distil, rear, educate, excite, stir up, rouse [togail] nf. g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, lifting, building, raising, brewing,
distilling, educating, exciting, rousing; a building [togair] va. and vn. +t and -radh, desire, wish greatly : mar a thogras
tu, as you desire [togairt] nf. desiring, wishing greatly [togar] will be lifted. See tog [togarrach] a. desirous,
keen, willing [togradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, desire, passion, propensity [togsaid] nf. pl.+ean, hogshead [toibheum]
nm. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, reproach, blemish, stain, blasphemy [tòic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a swelling, puffed up state of the
face [toigh] a. agreeable, pleasant, loved : is toigh leam, I like [toighe] nf. care, notice, esteem [toigheach]
a. loving, fond [toil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the will, inclination, desire [toileach] a. willing, voluntary, desirous [toileachas]
nm. g.v. -ais, contentment [toilich] va. and vn. please, satisfy, be willing [toil-inntinn] nf. satisfaction, gratification [toill]
va.+tinn, deserve, merit [toillteannach] a. deserving [toilltinn] nm.ind. meriting, deserving [toimhseachan] nm.
g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a riddle, enigma [toinisg] nf. sense, understanding [toinn] va. twist, twine, spin [toinneamh]
nm. g. -eimh, twisting, twining, spinning [toir] va.irr. give. See tabhair and thoir [tòir] nf. g. tòireach; pl.+ichean,
pursuit, diligent search : air thòir, in pursuit [toirm] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, noise, sound, loud murmuring sound [toirmisg]
va. forbid, prohibit [toirmisgte] v.a. forbidden, prohibited [toirt] nf. g.+e, respect, value, importance; bulk, taste [toirt]
See tabhairt : toirt bàrr air, excelling [toirteil] a. respectful, fruitful, stout, bulky [toiseach] nm. g.v. -ich;
pl. -ichean, beginning, origin, source, front, van, precedency, bow of a ship : an toiseach, at first : air thoiseach, in
front [tòiseach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, thane [toisgeal] a. the left, unlucky, unpropitious : an làmh thoisgeal,
the left hand [tòisich] va. begin, commence : tòisich air, begin [toit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, smoke, vapour, fume, steam
(L.Sc. reek) [tolg] nm. g.v. tuilg; pl.+an, hollow on a smooth surface, a dent [toll] nm. g.v. tuill; pl. tuill, hole,
hollow, cavity, crevice : toll-dubh, dungeon [toll] va. bore, perforate [tolm] nm. g.v. tuilm; pl.+annan, round hillock [tom]
nm. g.v. tuim; pl. tuim, hillock, knoll, eminence, round heap, clump of bushes [tomad] nm. g. -aid, bulk or quantity. Also
tomalt [toman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little hillock, little heap [Tómas] pnm. g.v. -ais, Thomas [tombaca] nm. tobacco [tomh]
va. offer, attempt, threaten, aim [tomhais] va. -as, measure, guess, unriddle, solve [tomhas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an
or toimhsean, a measure, moderation, measuring, guessing, solving, sense, meaning : gun tomhas 'sam bith, wanting in sense [tom-sheangan]
nm. ant-hill; inflected on first element [tòn] nf. g. tòine; d. tòin; pl.+an, the fundament [tonn] nm. g.v. tuinn; pl.+an
and tuinn, wave, surge, billow [tonnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, woman's shoulder shawl [tora] nm. pl. -ichean, auger [toradh]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, fruit, produce [torc] nm. g.v. tuirc; pl. tuirc, boar [torchair] va. pierce, transfix [torman]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rumbling sound [tòrr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, abrupt or conical hill or mountain, mound, grave, tower,
heap of ruins [tòrr] va. heap or pile up, bury [torrach] a. pregnant, fruitful [tòrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean,
heaping or piling up, interment, burial, funeral solemnities [tosd] nm.ind. silence, quietness : 'na thosd, silent [toth]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a foul blast of vapour, stench [tràgh] va. ebb as tide [tràghadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, ebbing as tide [tràigh]
va. and vn. tràghadh, empty, pour out [tràigh] nf. g. tràghad; pl.+ean, beach, shore, strand [tràill] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean,
slave, drudge [tràilleil] a. servile, slavish [traogh] va. and vn. ebb, subside, exhaust, drain [traona] nm. pl.+n,
landrail (L.Sc. corncrake) [trasd] a. across [trasdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, cross beam [trasg] nf. g. traisge;
d. traisg; pl.+an, a fast [tràth] a. early, in season, quick [tràth] nm. g.v. tràith; pl.+an, season, a meal, diet
of food, appointed time : trath-maidne, breakfast [tràthail] a. early [tràth-sa] in : an tràth-sa (see an dràsd), now,
at this time, at present [tre] prep. through, by means of [treabh] va. plough, till the ground [treabhachas] nm.
g.v. -ais, husbandry, arable farm [treaghaid] nf. pl.+ean, darting pain, stitch [trealaich] nf. lumber, trash, baggage [treas]
num. the third [treasa] a. stronger [treibhireach] a. prudent, sincere, upright [treibhireas] nm. g.v. -eis, sincerity,
uprightness [tréig] va. forsake, abandon, desert [tréigsinn] nm.ind. forsaking, abandoning, deserting [treis] nf.
g.+e, a while, space of time [treise] nf.ind. force, vigour, strength [treise] a. strongest [treodhair] nm. pl.+ean,
smith's nail mould [treòir] nf. g.+e, strength, force, power, direction [treòraich] va. and vn. guide, lead, direct,
strengthen [treòraiche] nm. pl.+an, leader, a guide [treubh] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, tribe, clan, family [treubhach] a.
strenuous, valorous [treubhantas] nm. g.v. -ais, bravery, valour [treud] nm. g.v. tréid; pl.+an, flock, herd [treun]
a. tréine, brave, bold, valiant [treun-ri-treun] nm. g. tréin-ri-tréin, landrail (L.Sc. corncrake); better traona [treuntas]
and [treunas] nm. g.v. -ais, strength, power [trì] num. three [triall] va. triall, go, depart, set out [triall] nm.ind.
journey, departure [triallair] nm. pl.+ean, traveller [trian] nm.ind. a third part [triath] nm. g.v. tréith; pl.+an,
lord, chief [tric] a. often, frequent [trid] prep. through, by means of [trìlleachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, pied
oyster catcher [trinnsear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, trencher, plate [trioblaid] nf. pl.+ean, trouble, anxiety, vexation,
tribulation [Trìonaid] nf. the Trinity [triubhas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, trews [triuchan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an,
stripe of colour in tartan [triùir] nm. and f. three persons collectively [triuthach] nf. g.d. -aich, hooping cough [tròcair]
nf. pl.+ean, mercy, compassionate act [trod] nm. g.v. truid; pl. truid, scolding, reproof, quarrel [troich] nm. g.+e;
pl.+ean, dwarf [troigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a foot, a foot of 12 inches [troimh] prep. through [troimhe] prep.pron.
through him [troimpe] prep.pron. through her [trom] a. heavy, oppressive, hard, difficult, sad, sleepy, pregnant [tromaich]
va. and vn. make heavy, oppress, burden, become heavier [Troma-mhala] pnf. meaning `heavy eyebrow' [tromb] nf. g.+a;
pl.+an, Jew's harp [trombaid] nf. pl.+ean, trumpet [tromhad] come, come to me [tromhad] prep.pron. through you, s. [tromhainn]
prep.pron. through us [tromham] prep.pron. through me [trompa] prep.pron. through them [trosg] nm. g.v. truisg; pl.
truisg, cod fish [trù] nf. g. +tha; pl.+than, a beastly being, villain, traitor [truacanta] a. merciful [truagh]
a. wretched, miserable, unhappy : is truagh leam, I pity [truaighe] nf. pl.+an, misery, woe [truaill] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
sheath, scabbard [truaill] va. pollute, defile, violate, profane [truaillidh] a. despicable, polluted [truas] nm.
g.v. truais, pity, compassion : gabh truas dheth, take pity of him [truime] a. heavier [truimead] nm. g. -eid, heaviness [truis]
va. trusadh, collect, truss up : truis! word by which dogs are scared off [trup] nm. g.+a; pl.+aichean, troop of horse [trusadh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, gathering, collecting, tucking up [trusgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, suit of clothes, garment [tu] and
[tù] pron. thou, you; see thu [tuagh] nf. g. tuaighe; d. tuaigh; pl.+an, axe, hatchet [tuaileas] nm. g.v. -eis, reproach,
slander, calumny [tuaineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, stupor, dizziness [tuaireab] nm. g.v. -ib; pl.+an, fray [tuaireabadh]
nm. g. -aidh, molestation [tuaiream] nf. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, a guess, conjecture, vicinity [tuairisgeul] nm. g.v. -eil;
pl.+an, description, report [tuairnear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, turner [tuar] nm. g.v. tuair; pl. tuairean, colour, hue,
appearance [tuarasdal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, wages, fee, salary, reward [tuarasdalaich] va. hire, engage for a fee [tuasaid]
nf. pl.+ean, tumult, quarrel [tuath] north, northern : an àirde tuath, the north [tuath] nf. g.+a, peasantry, country
people, husbandmen [tuathanach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, farmer, rustic, peasant [tuathanachas] nm. g.v. -ais, farming [tubaist]
nf. pl.+ean, misfortune, mishap, accident [tubhailt] nf. pl.+ean, towel [tùchan] nm. g.v. -ain, cooing as dove, hoarseness [tug]
va.irr. gave, brought, took [tugainn] See tug [tugh] va. thatch [tughadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, thatch, thatching [tuig]
va. and vn. +sinn, understand, perceive, discern, comprehend [tuigsinn] nf. understanding, discerning, comprehending [tuil]
nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, flood, deluge [tuill] See toll [tuilleadh] and [tuillidh] nm. more, an additional quantity or number
: tuilleadh 's a' chòir, more than its due, more than enough [tuim] See tom [tuineach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, dwelling,
abode [tuineachas] nm. g.v. -ais, dwelling, sojourning [tuinich] vn. sojourn, dwell, frequent, resort to [tuinne]
nf. in : gob na tuinne, the water edge [tuir] va. deplore, mourn, lament [tuireadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl.+idhean, mourning,
deploring, lamentation, dirge [tuireasg] nm. g.v. -isg; pl.+an, a saw [tùirling] nf.ind. descending, descent; va. alight,
dismount, descend [tùirse] nf.ind. mourning, sorrow [tùirseach] a. mournful, sorrowful [tùis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
incense [tuisleach] a. stumbling, causing to stumble, accidental [tuisleadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, a stumble,
accident, fall, slip, error [tuislich] vn. stumble, slip, fall, err [tuit] vn.+eam, fall, happen, befall, set as the
sun [tuiteam] nm. g.v. -eim; pl.+an, falling, fall, a chance [tuiteamas] nm. g.v. -ais, a chance, contingence, fall,
occurrence [tulach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, hillock [tulchainn] nf. pl.+ean, house gable, posterior (L.Sc. hurdies) [tulchuis]
nf. acuteness, confidence, penetration [tulg] va. rock, toss, roll, wave, oscillate [tum] va. dip, immerse, duck [tumadh]
nm. g. -aidh, a dip [tunna] nm. pl.+chan, a ton, a tun [tunnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a duck [tùr] nm. g. tùir,
sense, understanding, sagacity, intention, meaning [tùr] va. devise, invent [tùr] nm. g.v. tùir; pl. tùir, a tower [tur]
a. whole, absolute, complete, entire; dry, without condiment, : buntàta tur, potatoes without `kitchen' to them : gu tur,
altogether, entirely [turadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, fair weather [tùrail] a. sensible, shrewd, sagacious, heedful [turaman]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, nodding, shaking, rocking [tùrn] nm. job, feat, turn of work [turus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl.+an, journey,
voyage [tùs] nm. g.v. tùis; pl. tùis, the beginning, commencement, origin, front, van : air tùs, at first [tusa] and
[thusa] emph. form of tu and thu [tuthag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, patch
U!] interj. expressive of surprise or disappointment [uabhar] nm. g.v. -air, pride, vainglory, insolence [uachdar]
nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, top, surface, summit, cream, upper leather of shoe : dol an uachdar, getting uppermost [uachdaran]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, ruler, chief, governor [Uachdar-tìre] pnm. Auchtertyre [uaibh] prep.pron. from you [uaibhreach]
a. proud, haughty, vainglorious [uaibhreas] nm. g.v. -eis, pride, pomp, vainglory [uaidh] prep.pron. from him [uaigh]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a grave [uaigneach] a. secret, lonesome, melancholy [uaigneas] nm. g.v. -eis, secrecy, privacy, solitariness [uaill]
nf. g.+e, vainglory, pride, vanity [uaimh] nf. g. uamha; pl. uamhan, cave, den [uain] See uan [uaine] a. green, wan [uainfheoil]
nf. g. -eòla, lamb flesh [uainn] prep.pron. from us [uaipe] prep.pron. from her [uair] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hour, time
: an uair, when : air uairean, at times [uaireadair] nm. pl.+ean, a watch, time-keeper of any kind [uaireiginn] nf.
sometime [uaisle] nf.ind. nobility, gentility; a. genteeler, politer, more courteous [uaislich] va. ennoble, dignify [uait]
prep.pron. from you, s. [uallach] a. cheerful, gay, vainglorious; stately, proud [uallach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean,
load, burden, a charge, an assigned task [Uallas] surname, g.v. -ais, Wallace [uam] prep.pron. from me [uamha] See
uaimh [uamharr] and [uamharra] a. dreadful, terrible, atrocious [uamhas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, horror, terror, monster,
object of terror [uamhasach] a. terrible, awful, dreadful, shocking, horrible [uamhunn] nf. g.d. -uinn; pl.+an, horror [uan]
nm. g.v. uain; pl. uain, a lamb [uapa] prep.pron. from them [uasal] a. noble, gentle, proud, genteel; nm. g.v. -ail;
pl. uaislean, gentleman [uat] prep.pron. from you, s. See uait [uatha] prep.pron. from them [ub-ab] nf. hubbub [ùbh,
ùbh!] interj. expressive of aversion [ubhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. ùbhlan, apple; also abhall [ùbraid] nf. pl.+ean, confusion,
bustle [uchd] nm. breast, bosom, brow or side of a hill [uchdach] nf. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, ascent, acclivity, breastplate [uchd-éideadh]
nm. breastplate; inflected on the second element [ud] yon, that, yonder; ud thall, over yonder [udal] nm. g.v. -ail,
dangling, moving, flitting [udalan] nm. g.v. -ain, a swivel : clach an udalain, `the rolling stone' [ùdlaidh] a. gloomy,
sequestered [ugan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, forepart of the breast, the neck [ugh] nm. g.v. uigh; pl. uighean, egg : ugh-gluig,
addled egg [ùgh] udder. See ùth [ùghdair] nm. pl.+ean, author [ùghdarras] nm. g.v. -ais, authority [uibe] nm.
pl.+achan, lump or mass of soft substance, particularly of dough [uibhir] number. See uimhir [ùidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
desire, partiality, fondness, hope, expectation, interest, care, heed [uidhe] nf. pl.+an, degree, step, pace, journey :
uidh air n-uidh, bit by bit, step by step, by degrees [uidheam] See uigheam [uigheam] nf. g.d. -eim; pl.+an, furniture,
accoutrements, instruments, dress, trappings, apparatus, equipage [uigheamaich] va. equip, furnish with instruments, apparatus
or dress [uile] a. and nm. the whole, all : uile gu léir, altogether [uilear] See fuilear [uileann] nf. g. uilne;
d. uilinn; pl. uilnean, the elbow, corner, angle [ùill] va. oil, besmear with oil [ùilleadh] nm. g.v. -idh, oil, oiling [Uilleam]
pnm. g.v. -eim, William [uilleann] nf. g.d. -inn, honeysuckle, woodbine [uillt] See allt [uime] prep.pron. about
him [uimpe] prep.pron. about her [ùine] nf.ind. a time, season, time [ùinich] nf. bustle, hurry [uinneag] nf.
g.d. -eig; pl.+an, window [uinnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, onion [uinnseann] nm. g.v. -inn, ash, ash tree [uipinn]
nf. pl.+ean, a treasure, a hoard [ùir] nf. g. ùireach, mould, dust, earth [uircean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little
pig, young pig [ùird] See òrd [uireachan] pl. of uirigh [uiread] nm.ind. so much, as much, amount [uireasbhuidh]
nf. pl.+ean, want, indigence, poverty, need [uiridh] last year. See uraidh [uirigh] nf. pl.+ean, couch, bed, ledge in
a precipice [ùirsgeul] nm. g.v. -eòil; pl.+an, fable, novel, romance [uiseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, lark [uisge]
nm. pl.+achan, water [uisge-beatha] nm. whisky (= aqua-vitae) [uisgich] va. water [uist!] hist! silence! [ulag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, block for pulley [ulaidh] nf. pl.+ean, a treasure [ulfhartaich] nf.ind. howling [ullachadh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, preparing, preparation, provision [ullamh] a. ready, prepared [ullamhaich], [ullaich] va. prepare, make
ready, provide for [ultach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, armful, lapful [umad] prep.pron. about you, s. [umaibh]
prep.pron. about you, pl. [umainn] prep.pron. about us [umam] prep.pron. about me [umha] nm.ind. brass [umhail]
nf.ind. heed, attention, consideration; doubt, suspicion [umhal] a. submissive, humble, obedient [ùmhlachd] nf.ind.
submissiveness, humility, obedience, obeisance, homage, humiliation [umpa] prep.pron. about them [ùmpaidh] nm. pl.+ean,
dolt, blockhead [ung] va. anoint [ùnlagh] nm. pl.+an, a fine [unnsa] nm. pl. -aidhean, ounce [ùp] va. push, jostle [ùpag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a slight push [ùr] a. fresh, new, recent, flourishing, young, vigorous, beautiful, fair [ur]
poss.pron. your. See bhur [ùrach a' bheithe] fresh green beechwood [ùraich] va. and vn. renew, be renewed, refresh,
recreate, become fresh or green [uraidh] nf. last year [ùrar] a. fresh, flourishing, young, gay [urball] See earball [urchair]
nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, a shot, a cast, a throw : urchair-thuiteamais, accidental or stray shot [urchoid] nf. pl.+ean,
hurt, mischief, detriment, calamity [ùrlabhairt] nf.ind. speaking eloquently, eloquence, oratory [ùrlar] nm. g.v. -air;
pl.+an, floor of a house [ùrnuigh] nf. pl.+ean, prayer, praying [urra] nm. pl.+idhean, person [urradh] nm. g.v. -aidh;
pl. -aidhean, authority, guarantee, author [urrainn] nm. promoter, author, beginner; power, ability : is urrainn mi, or
: is urrainn domh, I can, I am able : a b' urrainn, who could [urram] nm. g.v. -aim, respect, reverence, honour, deference [urramach]
a. honourable, reverend [urramaich] va. honour, respect, revere [urras] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, surety, guarantee, a
cautioner, audacity, confidence [ursainn] nm. pl. -annan, door post, side of a door [usa] a. easier. Better asa [usga]
and [ugsa] nm. pl. -ichean, full grown coal fish [usgar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+raichean, jewel, ornament, bell on liquor [utag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a push, jostle [utagaich] va. push, jostle [ùth] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, udder [ùtrais] nf. confused