['s] for : is, it is ['s] for : is, and [-s'] for : -sa and -se [-sa] emph. postfix ['sa] for
: anns a', in the [sàbaid] nf. pl.+ean, the Sabbath [sabaid] nf. pl.+ean, brawl, fight, tussle [sàbh] nm. g.v. sàibh;
pl.+an, a saw [sàbh] nm. g.v. sàibh; pl.+an, salve [sàbh] va. saw [sàbhadair] nm. pl.+ean, sawyer [sàbhail] va.
save, rescue [sàbhailte] a. safe, rescued [sabhal], [sabhull] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. saibhlean, barn [sac] nm. g.v. saic;
pl.+an and saic, sack, bag [sacaich] va. load, lay on as a burden [sad] nm. g.v. said; dust shaken out of anything,
smart blow [sad] va. shake, thump, or brush off dust [sagart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, priest [sàibhir] a. rich, wealthy [sàibhreas]
nm. wealth, opulence, affluence, riches [saidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, upright beam; the part of a blade which is inserted
into a handle [saidhe] nf. hay [saighdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, soldier [saighead] nf. g. saighde; d. saighid;
pl. saighdean, arrow, dart [sail] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, beam [sàil] nf. g. sàlach; pl.+tean, heel [sàilean] nm. g.v.
-ein; pl. -einean, little inlet or arm of the sea [saill] nf. g.+e, fat, fatness, blubber [saill] va. salt, season,
cure, pickle [saillear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, salt cellar; cask [saillte] a. salted, pickled [sàiltean] See sàil [sàl]
nm. g. sàile; v. shàil, the sea as salt water [sal] nm. g.v. sail; filth, dross, refuse, scum [salach] a. sailche, dirty,
filthy, foul, nasty, unclean [salachar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, filth, nastiness, impurity [salaich] va. defile, pollute,
sully, render dirty [salann] nm. g.v. -ainn, salt [salm] nf. g.d. sailm; pl. sailm, psalm [saltair] va.+t, tread,
trample [saltairt] nf.ind. treading, trampling ['sam] for : anns am, in whom, in which : 'sam bith, at all; literally,
in the world [sàmhach] a. quiet, still, calm, peaceful [samhach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, wooden haft or handle,
as of a hammer or axe [samhail] nf. g. samhla; pl.+ean, likeness, image, copy [sàmhchair] nf. quietness, tranquility [samhladh]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, likeness, resemblance, example, pattern, copy [samhlaich] va. compare, liken [samhainn]
nf. g. samhna, Hallowtide [samhradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, summer ['san] for : anns an, in the [-san] emph.
postfix [sanas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, hint, warning [sannt] nm. g.v. sainnt, desire, covetousness, greed [sanntach]
a. covetous, greedy, desirous [sanntaich] va. covet, desire, long for [saobh] a. foolish, wrong, silly, erroneous :
saobh-chreideamh, superstition [saod] nm. g.v. saoid, care, attention, state, condition, journey; also : seud for journey [saodaich]
va. drive flocks or cattle to pasture, tend, take care of [saoghal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, world, an age, lifetime [saoghalta]
a. worldly, penurious [saoi] nm. pl. -dhean, good, worthy person; magnanimous man; learned man, warrior, scholar [saoil]
vn.+sinn, think, suppose, imagine, deem [saoilsinn] nf. thinking, supposing, imagining, deeming [saoire] a. more free,
cheaper, etc. See saor [saor] a. free, unrestrained, gratuitous, cheap, frank, easily split or broken as wood or stone [saor]
va. free, deliver, rescue, save, redeem, set at liberty, cheapen [saor] nm. g.v. saoir; pl. saoir, wright, carpenter [saorsa]
nf.ind. liberty, freedom, deliverance, redemption [saothair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, labour, toil, work, pains, trouble [saothraich]
va. labour, work, toil, bestow pains [sàr] excellent; used mostly as a pref. to n. and adj. : sàr-mhath, exceedingly good [sàr]
nm. g.v. sàir; pl. sàir, hero [sàraich] va. oppress, harass, fatigue, wrong, injure, tire [sàs] nm. g. sàis, straits,
difficulties, restraint, grasp : an sàs, in custody [sàsaich] va. satisfy, satiate [Sasunn] pnm. g. -uinn, England [sàth]
nm. g.v. sàith; plenty, satisfaction, fill [sàth] va. thrust, insert, transfix [sàthach] a. satiated, causing satiety ['s
e] for : is e, 'tis he, it is : 's è, it is, in answer to a question [-se] emph. postfix [sè] num. six [sèab] See
sèap [seabhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a hawk [seabhaid] nf. pl.+ean, error, wandering, going astray [seac] va. and
vn. wither, cause to wither; scorch, parch, fade, decay [seach] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a turn, alteration : fa seach, mu seach,
alternately, by turns, time about [seach] a. past, gone by, away, aside [seachad] by, along, forward, onward, aside,
past : seachad air, past him [seachainn] va. -nadh, shun, avoid, dispense with [seachd] num. seven [seachdain] nf.
pl.+ean, week [seachdnar] nm. and f. g. -nair, seven persons collectively [seachnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, shunning, avoiding [seachran]
nm. g.v. -ain, wandering, going astray : air seachran, astray [seadh] yes, it is so, just so [seadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an,
meaning, sense, understanding, esteem [seal] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a while, space of time, a spell [sealbh] nm. g.v. seilbh;
pl. seilbhean, possession, luck [sealbhadair] nm. pl.+ean, possessor, owner, proprietor [sealbhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an,
wood sorrel [sealbhaich] va. and vn. possess, enjoy, acquire [sealbhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the throat [sealg]
nf. g. seilge; d. seilg; pl.+an, a hunt, hunting, the chase [sealgair] nm. pl.+ean, hunter [seall] va.+tainn, look,
see, behold [sealladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a sight, spectacle, view, power of vision [sealltainn] nm. looking [seamrag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shamrock, trefoil, clover [seamsan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hesitation, delay [sean] a. sine,
old, aged, ancient : o shean, of old, anciently : seann, before t,d,s,n,l,r [seanadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, synod [seanair]
nm. g. -ar; pl.+ean, grandfather [sèanar] nm. and f.g. -air, six persons collectively [seanchaidh] nm. pl.+ean, reciter
of tales, antiquarian, historian [seanchas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, tale, story, conversation, discourse, history, relation,
narrative [seanfhacal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -lan, old saying, proverb [sean-mhaighdean] nf. g.d. -inn; pl. -dnean, old
maid [seang] a. +a, slender, slender-waisted, lean [seangan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, ant [sean-ghille] nm. pl.+an,
old bachelor [seanmhair] nf. g. -ar; pl.+ean, grandmother [seann] a. for sean before t,d,s,l,n,r [seann-sgeul] nm.
g.v. -sgeòil; pl. -sgeòil, old tale, legend [sèap] va. and vn. sneak, slink away, draw off privately [sèapair] nm. pl.+ean,
sneaking, slinking fellow [searadair] nm. pl.+ean, towel [sear] nm. the east [searbh] a. bitter, disagreeable, sour,
pungent, acrid [searbhanta] nf. pl.+n, servant maid [searg] va. and vn. dry, wither, fade; cause to dry, wither or fade;
pine away [searmon] nf. g.d. -oin; pl.+an, sermon [searmonaich] va. preach [searrach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich,
foal, colt [searrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, bottle [seas] va. and vn.+amh, stand, support, endure, last [seasamh]
nm. g.v. -aimh, standing, posture of standing, state of enduring : 'na sheasamh, standing [seasg] a. barren, unprolific,
dry, not giving milk, farrow [seasgair] a. comfortable, snug, sheltered, at ease, cosy [seasmhach] a. firm, lasting,
enduring [seic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, skin, hide; enveloping membrane [seic] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, stable rack (L.Sc. heck) [seiceal]
nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -clean, instrument for dressing flax (L.Sc. heckle) [seiche] nf. pl.+annan, a hide [seid] nf. g.+e;
pl.+ean, bed-spread on the floor, a truss of hay or straw [séid] va. blow as wind, breathe upon or into, pant, puff, inflate,
swell by flattery [seilbh] See sealbh [seilcheag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, snail [seile] nm. pl.+an, spittle, saliva [seileach]
nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, willow [seilisdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, the plant yellow iris, or water-flag [seillean]
nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, bee [sèimh] mild, peaceful, tranquil, placid, still [seinn] va. and vn. seinn, sing, play
upon an instrument, ring as a bell [seinn] nf. singing, playing upon an instrument, ringing [seinneadair] nm. pl.+ean,
singer [seirbh] See searbh [seirbhis] nf. pl.+ean, service, advantage, use [seirbhiseach] a. serviceable, advantageous,
useful [seirc] nf. g.+e, love, affection, charity, benevolence [seirceil] a. charitable, affectionate [seirm] nf.
g.+e, musical noise (L.Sc. chirm) [seirmeil] a. buzzing, humming [séis] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, tune; tune of chorus when
the same as that of the verse [séisd] va. besiege, invest (as in warfare) [seise] nm. pl.+an, one's match [séiseach]
nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, wooden bench or couch (L.Sc. settle) [seisear] nm. and f. g. -eir, six persons collectively [seisreach]
nf. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, a plough team [seòd] nm. g.v. seòid; pl. seòid, jewel, valiant man; generally used in the plural [seòl]
nm. g.v. siùil; pl. siùil, a sail [seòl] nm. g.v. seòil; pl.+an, method, mode, manner, way, opportunity, means [seòl]
va. guide, direct, instruct, point out, show; sail, navigate [seòladair] nm. pl.+ean, sailor [seòl-mara] nm. g.v. seòil-mhara;
pl. seòlan-mara, a tide [seòlta] a. cunning, crafty, wily, skilful, ingenious, wise [seòltachd] nf.ind. skill, ingenuity,
cunning, craftiness, wiliness [seòmar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, chamber [seòrsa] nm. pl.+chan, a sort, kind, genus,
species [seòrsaich] va. arrange, classify [seud] nm. g.v. seòid; pl.+an, jewel, precious stone; darling; also, journey [seul]
and [seulaich] va. seal; usually pronounced with broad (low) s [Seumas] pnm. g.v. -ais, James [seun] va. charm, defend
by charms [seun] va. avoid, refuse, deny, shun [seun] nm. g.+a; pl.+tan, a charm for protection, prosperity; denial [seunain]
in : breac-sheunain, freckles [seusdar] nm. g.v. -air, acme, perfection : 'na sheusdar, at its height ['s fheudar] it
behoveth, it must be, it is necessary [sgabh] nm. g.v. sgaibh, sawdust [sgadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an and -ain, a herring,
herrings collectively [sgag] va. and vn. split, crack, cause to split, shrink, filter, winnow [sgàil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
shade, shadow, veil [sgàil] va. shade, overshadow, conceal [sgailc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, smart blow, skelp, slap : sgailc
de'n dram, a swig of the dram, bumper [sgailc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, baldness, bald pate [sgàileadh] in : sgàileadh de
sholus, a blink of light [sgailleas] nm. g.v. -eis, disdain [sgàin] va. and vn. burst, burst asunder, cause to burst,
rend [sgaireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a young sea fowl [sgàirneach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, a continuous heap of
loose stones on a steep hill-side [sgairt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, activity, vigour; shriek; midriff [sgairteil] a. active,
lively, vigorous, smart [sgait] See sgat [sgaiteach] a. sharp, having a keen edge, cutting, using cutting or bitter
language [sgal] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a shriek, yell, shrill cry, the howl of a dog when hurt [sgalag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an,
a workman, farm-servant [sgàlain] nm.pl. scales for weighing : sgàlan, a scale [sgàlan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, stage
or scaffold [sgamhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the lungs [sgann] nm. g.v. sgainn; multitude, herd, drove [sgann] nm.
g.v. sgainn; pl.+an, membrane [sgànradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, a scare, surprise or fright causing dispersion [sgànraich]
va. scare, affright so as to cause dispersion [sgaoil] va. and vn. stretch out, extend, spread, expand, enlarge, send away,
loose, untie : air sgaoil, free [sgaoilteachd] nf.ind. state of being spread; diffuseness; liberality [sgaoim] nf. g.+e;
pl.+eannan, fright, sudden terror, a start due to fear, skittishness [sgaoimear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a rake, restless
fellow [sgaoimeil] a. like a rake, rakish [sgaoth] nm. g.+a; v. sgaoith; pl.+an, a swarm or great number, flock [sgaothach]
a. in swarms or flocks [sgap] va. scatter, disperse [sgar] va. separate, disjoin; sever, pull asunder, part, divorce [sgarbh]
nm. g.v. sgairbh; pl. sgairbh, cormorant [sgàrlaid] nf. scarlet [sgat] nf. g.d. sgait; pl.+an, skate [sgath] va.
lop off, prune, injure [sgàth] nm. g.+a; v. sgàith; pl.+an, shadow, shade; dread, apprehension, sake, account [sgàthach]
a. shy [sgàthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, mirror, looking glass [sgeach] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, haw, hawthorn berry [sgeachag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dim. of sgeach [sgeadaich] va. dress, adorn with dress [sgealb] nf. g.d. sgeilb; pl.+an, a splinter
or broken fragment of wood, stone, etc. [sgealb] va. split or dash into pieces or fragments [sgeamh] nm. g.+a, yelp;
severe or cutting language [sgèan] nm. g.+a, sudden fright or start, a wild look in the face owing to fear [sgeap] nf.
g.d. sgeip; pl.+an, beehive (L.Sc. skep) [sgeig] nf. g.+e, mockery, derision, jeering [sgeig] va. mock, deride [sgeigeas]
nm. g.v. -eis, waggery, buffoonery [sgeigeil] a. mocking, scornful, derisive [sgèimh] nf. g.+e, comeliness, beauty,
ornament [sgèimheachd] nf.ind. beauty [sgeinnidh] nf. flax or hemp thread, small twine or thread [sgeir] nf. g.+e;
pl.+ean, a rock in the sea, skerry [sgeith] nf. g.+e; vomited matter [sgeith] va. and vn. vomit, throw up [sgéith]
See sgiath [sgeòil] See sgeul [sgeul] nm. g.v. sgeòil; pl.+an and sgeòil, story, tale, narrative, news, tidings [sgeulach]
a. given to story telling, or news-monging [sgeulachd] nf. pl.+an, story telling; a tale [sgeulaiche] nm. pl.+an, a
story teller [sgeun] nm. g.v. sgèin, dread, look of fear, readiness to be frightened. See sgèan [sgeunach] a. shy, easily
frightened [sgiamh] See sgèimh [sgiamh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, yell, caterwaul, mew [sgiamh] va.+ail, shriek [sgiamhail]
nf. caterwauling, mewing [sgian] nf. g. sgìne; d. sgithinn; pl. sgèanan, knife [sgiath] nf. g. sgéithe; d. sgéith; pl.+an,
wing, shield, target [sgiathalaich] va. flutter, ply the wings; v.n. winging, flitting about on wing [sgil] nm. g.+e,
skill, often pronounced with the Eng. l sound [sgil] va. unhusk, shell [sgillinn] nf. pl.+ean, penny = a shilling Scots
: sgillinn Shasunnach, a (modern) shilling [sgimilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, vagrant, parasite, intruder [sginn] va.
and vn. squeeze or force out, protrude, gush out [sgioba] nm. pl.+n, ship's crew [sgiobair] nm. pl.+ean, skipper [sgiobalta]
a. quick, active, clever, neat [sgiol] va. shell, unhusk; also sgil [sgiorr] vn. slip, stumble, slide [sgiorradh]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, stumbling, slipping, accident [sgìos] nm.ind. weariness, fatigue [sgìre] nf. pl.+an, parish [sgìth]
a. weary, tired, fatigued : sgìth dheth, tired of it [sgitheach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, thorn, hawthorn [sgìthich]
va. and vn. weary, fatigue, become weary [sgiùrs] va. scourge, whip [sglèata] nm. pl.+n, a slate, slate [sglèatair]
nm. pl.+ean, slater [sgleò] nm.ind. dimness of the eyes, vapour, film [sgleò] nm. boasting, romancing, false report [sgob]
va. snatch, pluck, sting [sgoch] va. gash, make an incision [sgòd] nm. g.v. sgòid; pl.+an, the corner of a cloth or
garment, the sheet of a sail [sgoil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, school, schooling, education [sgoileam] nm. g.v. -eim, loquacity,
garrulity [sgoilear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, scholar, student, man of learning [sgoilt] va. sgoltadh, split, cleave [sgoinn]
nf. g.+e, care, attention, neatness, trimness, efficacy [sgoinneil] a. careful, attentive, neat, trim, tidy [sgolb]
nm. g.v. sguilb; pl.+an, splinter, prickle, wooden pin or wattle for thatch [sgonn] nm. g.v. sguinn; pl.+an, block of wood,
shapeless mass, blockhead [sgòrnan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the throat, the neck, the thrapple [sgòrr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an,
a sharp rock [sgoth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, a skiff, boat [sgràbach] a. rough, rugged [sgràill] va. rail at, abuse with
words [sgràilleadh] nm. g.v. -idh, severe scolding, railing, abusing [sgrath] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, outer skin or rind,
turf, sod [sgread] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a screech, shriek, cry, scream [sgread] va. +ail, shriek, cry, screech, scream [sgreadail]
v.n. shrieking, screeching, screaming [sgreagach] a. dry, hard, shrivelled [sgreamh] nm. g.v. sgreimh, loathing, abhorrence,
disgust [sgreamhail] a. loathsome, nasty [sgreataidh] a. disgusting, horrible [sgreuch] va. +ail, screech, scream [sgreuch]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a screech, scream, shrill cry [sgrìob] va. scrape, scratch, draw scratches [sgrìob] nf. g.+a; pl.+an,
a scratch, mark, furrow, trip or journey : thoir sgrìob, make a scratch [sgrìobh] va. write [sgriobtuir] nm. pl.+ean,
scripture [sgrìodan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, stony ravine on mountain side [sgrios] va. sgrios, destroy, ruin [sgrios]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, destruction, ruin : air sgrios, destroyed [sgriosail] a. destructive [sgròb] va. scratch with the
nails, scrape [sgròban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an and -ain, the crop of a bird [sgrobha] nm. pl.+chan, a screw [sgrog]
va. pull down the head covering firmly [sgrùd] va. search, scrutinize, examine, investigate [sgrùdair] nm. pl.+ean,
searcher, investigator [sguab] nf. g. sguaibe; d. sguaib; pl.+an, brush, besom, broom, sheaf of corn, wisp [sguaib]
va. brush, sweep [sguids] va. scotch or scutch, switch [sguir] va. and vn. sgur, cease, stop, desist [sguit] nf.
g.+e; pl.+ean, the footboard of a boat [sgur] v.n. ceasing, desisting, stopping, giving over [sheachnadh] See seachainn [shìos]
down (in position) [shuas] up (in position) [si] pron. she; only used in the nom. case ['s i] it is, for : is i;
's ì in answer to a question [siab] va. wipe, rub, sweep along quickly [siabadh] nm. wiping, rubbing, quick sweep past [siabair]
nm. pl.+ean, wiper, snatcher, sweeper [siabann] nm. g.v. -ainn, soap [siach] va. sprain or strain a joint ['s iad]
they are, for : is iad [sian] nf. g. sìne; pl.+tan, storm of wind and rain; the elements; see sìon [siar] west, westward,
sideways [siar] va. throw obliquely, move obliquely [siatag] nf. g.d. -aig, sciatica [sibh] pers.pron. ye, you [sic]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the prominence of the belly; see seic [sìd] nm. g.+e, weather [sìl] See sìol [sil] va. and vn.
drop, distil, rain [sile] See seile [silteach] a. dropping, tearful, running as an ulcer [silteachd] nf.ind. a constant
dropping [simid] nm. pl.+ean, mallet, beetle [similear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, chimney (L.Sc. chimley) [simplidh]
a. simple, singlehearted, artless [sin] that, those : an sin, there, then [sine] nf. pl.+achan, teat, nipple [sìn]
va. stretch, increase in length, prolong, hand [sine] a. older [Sìne] pnf. Jane (L.Sc. Jean) [sinn] pers.pron. we,
us [sinne] emph. form of : sinn [sinn-seanair] nm. g. -ar; pl.+ean, great grandfather [sinnsear] nm. g. -sre; pl.
-srean, forefather, ancestor [sinnsreachd] nf. ancestry, custom of ancestors, right of succession, genealogy [sìnteag]
nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a skip, bound [sìob] nm. g.+a, drift [sìobail] va. -ladh, fish, angle [sìobhalta] a. civil,
peaceful, courteous [sìochaint] nf. peace, quiet, repose [sìochair] nm. pl.+ean, dwarf, fairy [sìoda] nm. pl.+chan,
silk [sìol] nm. g.v. sìl, seed, descendants, clan, spawn or fry of fish [siola] nm. pl.+chan, gill; also, a syllable [sìoladh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, straining, filtering, sinking [sìolag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, sand eel [sìolaich] va. and vn. propogate,
multiply, engender [sìolmhor] a. prolific [sìoman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a rope of twisted straw or heather [sìon]
nm.ind. something, anything [sìon] nm. g. sìne; pl. sìontan, weather, season; see sian [sionnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl.
-aich, fox [sionnach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, the reed of a bagpipe [sionnachan] nm. g.v. -ain, glow [sionnachanach]
a. phosphorescent [sionnsar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, the chanter of a bagpipe; also seannsar [sìor] a. continual,
perpetual, ever [sìorraidh] a. eternal [siorram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, sheriff [siorramachd] nf. pl.+an, sheriffdom,
shire, county [sìos] down, downwards, used with v. implying movement [sir] va. seek, search, ask, request [siris]
nf. pl.+ean, cherry [sìth] nf. g.+e, peace, quietness, tranquility. Better sìdh [sith] nm.+e; pl.+ean, stride, long
quick pace, onset, dart forward [sìth] nm. g.+e; pl.+ichean, fairy : sìth-bhrugh, fairy mound or mansion [sitheann]
nf. g. sìthne; d. -inn, venison [sìtheil] a. peaceful, tranquil [sitinn] nf. pl.+ean, dung-hill [sitir] nf. neigh
of a horse [sitrich] nf.ind. neighing [siubhail] va. -al, go, move, walk, die [siubhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -laichean,
going, moving, walking; degree of speed, dying, journey, the first variation of a bagpipe tune, i.e. the part suited for marching [siùbhlach]
a. speedy, fleeting, fluent [siùcar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, sugar [siùd] va. swing, rock to sleep [siùil] See
seòl [siuthad] say away, begin, go on [siuthadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, a dart forward [slabhag] nf. g.d.
-aig; pl.+an, the pith of horn [slabhraidh] nf. pl.+ean, chain, pot hanger [slac] va. thrash, beat with a mallet [slacan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a beetle or mallet [slacraich] nf. thrashing, beating, slaughtering [slad] nm. g.v. slaid, theft,
robbery, booty [slad] va. steal, rob, plunder [slaidear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, thief, robber, plunderer [slaightear]
nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, rogue, rascal, knave [slàinte] nf. health, salvation : deoch-slàinte, a toast [slàinteil] a.
healthy [slait] See slat [slaman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, curdled milk, any flabby substance [slàn] a. whole, sound,
healthy [slànaighear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, saviour, healer [slaod] va. drag, haul, trail along the ground [slaop]
va. parboil, simmer [slat] nf. g. slaite; d. slait; pl.+an, rod, twig, switch, wand, yard, yardstick [slatag] nf. g.d.
-aig; pl.+an, little rod, switch, or wand : slatag nam buadh, divining rod, rod of enchantment [sleagh] nf. g.+a; pl.+an,
spear [sleamhnach] a. See sleamhuinn [sleamhnaich] va. and vn. slip, slide [sleamhuinn] a. -na, slippery, smooth,
slimy [sleuchd] va. prostrate, kneel, bow down reverently [sliabh] nm. g.v. sléibh; pl. sléibhtean, mountain [Sliabh
an t-siorraim] pnm. Sheriffmuir [sliasaid] nf. g. sléisde; pl. sléisdean, thigh [sliath] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, blindworm [slibist]
nm. pl.+ean, sloven [slige] nf. pl.+an, shell, scale of balance [slighe] nf. pl.+an, way, road, path, passage [sliginneach]
a. See sligneach [sligneach] a. shelly, scaly [slinnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, shoulder blade, shoulder [slìob]
va. stroke, rub gently with the hand, lick, sleek [sliochd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, seed, offspring, decendants [slìogach]
a. sly, subtle (L.Sc. sleekit) [slìom] a. sleek, smooth, deceitful [sliop] for liop, lip, blubber lip [slios] nm.
g.+a; pl.+an, side or flank of man or beast, also of a country, an extensive declivity [slis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a slice,
a shaving [sliseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a small slice or shaving [sloc] nm. g.v. sluic; pl. sluic, pit, den, cavity,
slough [slòigh] for sluaigh. See sluagh [sloinn] va. bestow a surname, trace a pedigree [sloinneadh] nm. g.v. -idh;
pl. -idhean, surname, patronymic [sloisir] va. dash or beat against as the sea, wash by working backward and forward, mix
soft substances by stirring and beating, whisk as raw eggs [sluagh] nm. g.v. sluaigh; pl.+an, people, army, host [sluaisdir]
va. -dreadh, mix as with a shovel [sluasaid] nf. pl. sluaisdean, shovel [slugadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, swallowing, engulphing,
overwhelming [slugan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the orifice of the gullet, the neck of a bottle, whirlpool [sluig] va.
slugadh, swallow, engulph, overwhelm [smachd] nm.ind. authority, control, command, correction [smachdaich] va. correct,
command, control [smachdail] a. commanding, authoritative [smàd] va. threaten, intimidate, beat away [smàil] va.
smàladh, snuff as a candle, dash to the ground [smal] nm. g.v. smail, dust, stain, spot, speck, blemish, snuff of a candle,
cinders [smàladh] nm. g.v. -aidh, snuffing as a candle, extinguishing [smalan] nm. g.v. -ain, gloom, melancholy [smaoin]
nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, a thought. See smuain [smaoinich] va. -eachadh and -tinn, think [smaointinn] nm. thinking [smèid]
va. and vn. nod, wink, beckon [smeòirn] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, the end of an arrow which is next to the bow string [smeòrach]
nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, thrush, mavis [smeur] va. anoint, smear as sheep, besmear; also : smiùr [smeur], [smeuran]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, bramble berry (L.Sc. black bide) [smid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a syllable, an opening of the mouth, a word [smig]
nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, chin [smior] and [smear] nm. g.+a, marrow, vigour, mettle : smior chailleach, spinal marrow [smiorail]
and [smearail] a. vigorous, mettlesome [smodal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, sweepings, crumbs, fragments, smattering [smuain]
nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, a thought [smuainich] vn. think, consider [smuairean] nm. g.v. -ein; grief, dejection [smuais]
nf. g.+e, the juice or marrow of bones [smùc] nm. g.v. smùic, snivel, nasal sound [smùcair] nm. pl.+ean, sniveller [smùdag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little quantity of smoke [smùdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, ring dove [smug] nm. g.v. smuig; pl.+an,
spittle, snot, phlegm [smugaid] nf. pl.+ean, a spittle [smùid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, smoke [smùid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
a blow, attack [smùir] See smùr [smùirnean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, mote [smùr] nm. g.v. smùir, dross, dust,
rubbish ['sna] for : anns na, in the [snàg] va. creep, crawl, sneak [snag] nf. g. snaige; d. snaig; pl.+an, a little
audible knock [snàgach] a. creeping, crawling, sneaking [snàgail] nf. creeping slow motion [snagair] va. carve or
whet wood with a knife [snagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a little tinkle, or clink [snàgan] nm. g.v. -ain, a creeping
or slow motion [snagan-daraich] nm. g.v. -ain-; pl.+an-, woodpecker [snaidh] va. hew, whet, chip, shape [snaidheadair]
nm. pl.+ean, hewer, one who whets [snàig] va. snàgail, creep, crawl, sneak [snaim] va. tie, knot, stitch [snaim]
nm. g.+e; pl.+eannan, a tie, knot, stitch [snàmh] va. and vn. snàmh, swim, float [snàmh] nm. g. snàimh, swimming, floating,
the art of swimming : air an t-snàmh, afloat [snàmhaich] nm. pl.+ean, swimmer [snàmhair] See snàmhaich [snaois] nf.
g.+e; pl.+ean, slice, piece of anything [snaoisean] nm. g.v. -ein, snuff [snas] nm.ind. regularity, order, elegance,
gloss [snasaich] va. reduce to order or regularity, make elegant, polish [snasda] a. orderly, regular, neat [snàth]
nm. g.v. snàith; pl. snàithean, thread, yarn [snàthad] nf. g.d. -aid; pl.+an, needle : snàthad mhòr, darning needle [snàthainn]
nm. g. snàithne; pl. snàithnean, a thread [sneachd] nm. g. -a, snow [snigh] vn. drop, fall in drops, ooze through in
drops [snìomh] va. and vn. twist, twine, spin; wind as yarn [snìomh] nm. g.+a, spinning, twining, twisting, a twist,
a ringlet [snìomhaiche] nm. pl.+an, spinner [snodha] nm. pl.+n : snodha-gàire, a smile [snodhach] nm. g.v. -aich,
sap of a tree [snotraich] nf. snorting, snuffing [snuadh] nm. g.v. snuaidh; pl.+an, hue, colour; complexion, appearance [so]
this, these : an so, here : as an so, hence, from this place : gu so, hither, to this place, till now, up to this time : mar
so, thus, in this manner, in this direction : (used interjectively) here, see here, take this : so, so! falbhamaid, Come,
come! let us go : so agad, here you have [sóbhrach], [sóbhrag] nf. g.d. -aich; -aig; pl.+an, primrose [soc] nm. g.v.
suic; pl. suic, snout, fore end of anything; ploughshare [socair] nf. ease, rest, comfort : air do shocair, at your ease,
take your time [socair] a. easy, quiet, mild, gentle, steady [sochair] nf. pl.+ean, benefit, emolument, privilege [sochar]
nf. g.d. -air, instability of purpose, compliant disposition, easy temper [socharach] a. of a yielding disposition; unstable,
easy tempered, complaisant [socrach] a. easy, comfortable, steady, slow, at ease [socraich] va. establish, make steady,
fix, determine, settle, cease from motion [sodal] nm. g.v. -ail, flattery [sodan] nm. g.v. -ain, joy, expression of
gladness at seeing or meeting one [sodar] nm. g.v. -air, trotting as a horse [sog], [sogan] nm. g.v. sogain, mirth,
joy, delight [sogail] a. merry, joyous, festive [sògh] nm. g.v. sòigh, luxury, luxurious ease [sòghail] a. luxurious,
sumptuous [soilleas] nm. g.v. -eis, officiousness, adulation [soilleir] a. clear, bright, transparent, limpid, evident,
visible [soillse] nm.ind. light, ray of light, brightness [soineann] nf. g.d. -inn, fair or calm weather [soir] east [soirbh]
a. easy, quiet, courteous, pliant, prosperous; safe [soirbheas] nm. g.v. -eis, prosperity, fair wind [soirbhich] vn.
prosper, succeed [soisgeul] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, gospel [soitheach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, vessel for food or
drink; a ship, dish [soitheamh] a. gentle, affable, tractable, tame, docile [solair] va. -ar, provide, gather, procure [solar]
nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, providing, purveying useful things [sòlas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, solace, comfort, consolation,
contentment, pleasure [sòlasach] a. solacing, comforting, consoling, content, pleasant [solus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl.+an,
light, knowledge [son] nm.ind. sake, account, good, advantage, profit : air mo shon, for me, for my sake : air a shon sin,
for that matter, nevertheless : air a shon sin uile, for all that [sona] a. lucky, happy [sonas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an,
happiness [sonn] nm. g.v. suinn; pl. suinn, stout man, hero [sònruich] va. select, choose, appoint, ordain, particularise [sònruichte]
a. specific, special, particular, appointed, ordained : gu sònruichte, particularly, especially [sop] nm. g.v. suip; pl.+an
and suip, wisp, loose bundle of straw or hay [sòr] va. hesitate, grudge, give unwillingly, spare [soraidh] nf. pl.+ean,
farewell compliments, good wishes [sòrn] nm. g.v. sùirn; pl. sùirn, flue, vent, cavity [spad] va. knock down at a blow,
fell, brain, kill on the spot [spadhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -annan, strong, quick pull; the utmost extent of the out-stretched
arms; the grass cut by one stroke of the scythe [spàg] nf. g. spàige; d. spàig; pl.+an, paw, clubfoot, limb of an animal [spàgach]
a. pawed, walking awkwardly [spaga-da-ghliog] nm. bravado, ostentation [spàgalais] nf.ind. walking awkwardly [spaglainn]
nf. ostentation, conceit, bombast [spaideil] a. -eala, swaggering, foppish, conceited as seen in gait [spaidsearachd]
nf.ind. sauntering, slow walking, strolling [spailp] nf. g.+e, self-conceit, boldness, self-confidence [spailpean] nm.
g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, fop; vain, insignificant fellow [spailpeil] a. -eala, conceited, self-confident, vainglorious,
swaggering [spàin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, spoon [spàirn] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, effort, struggle, violent exertion, agony [spàl]
nm. g.v. spàil; pl.+an, weaver's shuttle [spàrr] va. sparradh, drive as a nail or wedge, induce by force, thrust, enforce
by argument, inculcate, urge [speach] nf. g.+a; pl.+annan, wasp, any venomous insect, bite or sting of wasp, etc., stitch
in the side [speal] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, scythe [speal] va. mow, cut down [spealadair] nm. pl.+ean, mower [spealg]
nf. g. speilge; d. speilg; pl.+an, splinter, fragment [spealg] va. and vn. break with violence, fall into splinters [spéil]
va. and vn. slip, slide, skate [speil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a drove or herd of swine [speir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, the hough
of a beast, hoof, claw, spur of cock, talon [speireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, sparrow-hawk [spéis] nf. g.+e, liking,
regard, attachment, fondness, esteem [spéiseil] a. fond, attached to, estimable, affectionate [speuclair] nm. pl.+ean,
pair of spectacles [speur] nm. pl.+an, the sky, heaven, firmament [speuradair] nm. pl.+ean, astronomer [spìd] nf.
g.+e, spite, hatred [spideag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, nightingale [spideal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, hospital [spilgean]
nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, seedling, grain [spìoc] nf. g.+a, meanness, dastardliness, niggardliness [spìocach] a. mean,
dastardly, niggardly [spìocair] nm. pl.+ean, mean fellow, dastard, niggard [spiol] nf. pl.+an, nibble, bite, snatch [spiol]
va. pluck, snatch, nibble, pull asunder [spiolg] va. unhusk or shell [spìon] va. pull, pluck up, snatch, tear away [spionnadh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, strength, might, force [spìosradh] nm. g.v. -raidh; pl. -raidhean, spice [spiorad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an,
spirit, a spirit [spioradail] a. spiritual [spiris] nf. pl.+ean, hen roost, hammock [spitheag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an,
a chip of wood, a small bit of stone or wood thrown by the hand [spleadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, romance, boasting, flattering,
falsehood [spleuc] va. stare, squint, spread out by trampling [spliùcan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, tobacco pouch [spliut]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a lame hand [spoch] va. address one quickly or angrily; intimidate [spoch] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, attack,
assault [spòg] nf. g.d. spòig; pl.+an, paw, claw, talon, the hand or foot in ridicule : spògan toisich, fore paws [spong]
nf. g.d. spuing; pl.+an, tinder (L.Sc. spunk), sponge [spor] va. incite, spur on, instigate [spor] nm. g.v. spuir; pl.
spuirean, rider's spur, claw, talon, gun-flint [sporan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, purse : sporan molach, hairy purse worn
with the kilt [spraic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, reprimand, severe reproof [spraiceil] a. reprimanding, given to severe reproofs,
imperious [spraidh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, any loud sudden sound, report of a gunshot [spread] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, splash.
Also spriod [spreadh] va. burst, strike, sound : spreadhadh de'n bhata, a smart blow with the staff [spréidh] nf. g.+e,
cattle of any kind [spreig] va. blame, chide, prompt, instigate, enforce [spreigeil] a. blaming, prone to blame, authoritative,
undaunted [spreòd] nm. g.v. spreòid; pl.+an, a projecting beam : crann-spreòid, bowsprit [spriod] nm. g.+a; pl.+an,
a splash. Also spread [sprochd] nm.ind. dejection, lowness of spirits. Better sproc [sprogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an,
dewlap, the crop of a bird [spùill] va. rob, plunder [spùinn] va. spoil, plunder, rob [spuir] See spor [spruan]
nm. g.v. spruain; pl.+an, brushwood [spruidhleach] nm. g.v. -ich, fragments, crumbs, refuse [spull] nm. g.v. spuill;
pl.+an, nail of a cat [spùt] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, spout [spùt] va. spout, squirt [sràbh] nm. g.v. sràibh; pl.+an, a
straw [srac] va. and vn. tear, rend [srad] nf. g. sraide; d. sraid; pl.+an, spark of fire [sradag] nf. g.d. -aig;
pl.+an, little spark of fire [sràid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, street, a walk [sràidimeachd] nf.ind. walking about, sauntering
[sraigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a sneeze [sramh] nm. g.v. sraimh; pl. sraimh, a jet of milk from a cow's udder [srann]
nf. g. srainne; d. srainn; pl.+an, snore, snort, hum, buzz [srann] va.+adh and +ail, snore, snort, hum, buzz [sraointe]
v.a. fallen, knocked over [sraon] vn. make a false step, stumble [sraon] nm. g.v. sraoin, offence, dudgeon [sraonas]
nm. g.v. -ais, a huff, swell of anger or arrogance; also sraonais [srath] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, strath, low lying land by a
riverside [srathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, pack-saddle, cart-saddle [Srath-Chluaidh] pnm. Strathclyde [Srath-Fhaolain]
pnm. Strathfillan [sream] va. and vn. wrinkle, become wrinkled, corrugate [sream] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, rheum [sreamach]
a. wrinkled, corrugated, blear-eyed [sreamadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, wrinkle, corrugation, fold; wrinkling [sreang]
nf. g. sreinge; d. sreing; pl.+an and +annan, string, line, cord [sreath] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a row, rank, series [sreathaich]
va. set or place in rows, or ranks, or in series [sréin] See srian [sreothadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, a sneeze [srian] nf.
g. srèine; d. srèin; pl.+tan, bridle, rein [srideag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a drop, a spark [sriut] nm. g. sriuit, a
torrent of quick sounds or words [sròin] and [sròine] See sròn [sròl] nm. g.v. sròil; pl.+tan, gauze, crape, silk, satin,
banner [sròn] nf. g. sròine; d. sròin; pl. sròintean, nose, promontory, headland [sruab] va. and vn. drink up with noise,
pull hastily out of water [sruth] nm. g.v. sruith; pl.+an, a stream, running water, current [sruth] vn. flow, stream,
become liquid [sruthail] va. srùthladh, rinse with water [sruthan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little stream [srùthladh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, rinsing [stà] nm.ind. use, advantage [stàbull] nm. g.v. -uill; pl.+an, a stable [stac] nm. g.v. staic;
pl.+annan, steep cliff or hill [stad] va. and vn. stop, cease, pause, hinder [stad] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a stop, cessation,
pause [stàdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, galloping step [stadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, a stay in ship's rigging [stadhadh]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, sudden lurch to one side [staid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, state, condition [stàideil] a. -eala,
stately, portly [staighir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, stair [stailc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, stubbornness, thump [stailc]
va. drive, press forward, strike, knock against, stamp, put down the foot suddenly [stàilinn] nf.ind. steel [stàirn]
nf. g.+e, noise such as the tread of horses' feet, violent push [stairsneach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, threshold [stalc]
va. and vn. stiffen, tie a fishing hook [stall] nm. g.+a; pl.+achan, overhanging rock, craggy steep, precipice [stamh]
nm. g.v. staimh, sea-tangle [staoin] nf. g.+e, tin [starbhanta] a. strong, powerful, robust [steach] for : a steach,
into, to the inside; used with a v. of motion [steall] nf. g.d. still; pl. still, a spout of liquid [steall] va. and
vn. spout, pour out, squirt [stèarnal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, a bittern [stéidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, foundation, basis [stéidhich]
va. establish, found, lay a foundation [steud] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, a steed, warhorse [steud-each] nm. steed; inflected
on second element [stiall] va. streak, mark with stripes [stiall] nf. g. stéille; d. stéill; pl.+an, a streak, stripe [stigh]
for : a stigh, within, in, inside; used with a v. of rest [Stiùbhart] surname, Stewart [Stiùbhartach] nm. g.v. -aich;
pl. -aich, a Stewart; a. of or belonging to the Stewarts [stiùir] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, rudder [stiùir] va. stiùradh, steer,
guide, direct, manage [stiùradair] nm. pl.+ean, steersman, helmsman [stob] va. thrust, fix in the ground, stab [stob]
nm. g.v. stuib; pl.+an and stuib, a stake, prickle, thorn [stobh] va. stow, pack [stoc] nm. g.v. stuic; pl.+an and stuic,
a stock, trunk, stock, store [stocaidh], [stocainn] nf. pl.+ean, stocking [stoirm] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean or +eannan, a storm [stoirmeil]
a. stormy [stòl] nm. g.v. stòil; pl.+an, stool, seat [stòlda] a. steady, sedate, quelled, staid [stòr] nm. g.v. stòir,
store, baggage [stòras] nm. g.v. -ais, store, abundance, wealth [stoth] va. lop off [stràc] nm. g.v. stràic; pl.+an,
stroke, blow [stràic] nf. g.+e, pride, a swell of anger [stràiceil] a. arrogant, insolent [straighlich] nf. rattling
noise, or bustle [stràille] nf. pl.+an, carpet, rug, mat [stràilleadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, a loud stroke, thump
or knock [streap] va. streap and +adh, climb, scale, strive against obstacles [streap] nm.ind. climbing, scaling, striving [strìoc]
va. and vn. yield, submit [strìoch] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, streak, line [strìoch] va. draw lines, delineate [striopach]
nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, harlot [strìth] nf.ind. strife, contention, endeavouring [strìtheil] a. contentious [stròdh]
nm. g.v. stròidh, prodigality, extravagance [stròic] va. tear asunder [stròic] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, long rag [stròidh]
va. squander, dissipate, waste [Struibhle] pnm. Stirling [struidhear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a prodigal [struidheil]
a. prodigal, wasteful [struth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, ostrich [stuadh] nf. g. stuaidhe; d. stuaidh; pl.+annan, a wave, billow,
gable of house [stuaim] nf. g.+e, temperance, modesty [stuama] a. stuaime, temperate, abstemious, sober, modest [stuamachd]
nf.ind. temperance, sobriety, moderation, modesty [stùc] nf. g. stùice; d. stùic; pl. stùcannan, little hill jutting out
from a greater [stuig] va. incite as dogs to fight or chase [stuth] nm. g.v. stuith; pl.+an, stuff, matter, material [suaicheantas]
nm. g.v. -ais, escutcheon, distinguishing mark, crest [suaimhneach] a. genial, secure, quiet, calm [suaimhneas] nm.
g.v. -eis, geniality, security, quietness, rest, repose [suain] va. wreathe round, envelope, twist as rope, wrap [suain]
nf. g.+e, deep sleep [suaip] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, faint resemblance, exchange of commodities (L.Sc. swap) [suairc] a.
civil, affable, kind, gentle, urbane [suairceas] nm. g.v. -eis, civility, affability, kindness, gentleness, urbanity [suarach]
a. insignificant, trifling, of no repute, of little account [suarachas] nm. g.v. -ais, contempt [suas], [a suas] up,
upward [suath] va. rub, wipe, mix a soft substance, knead [subh] nm. g.v. suibh; pl.+an, berry : subh-chraobh, raspberry
: subh-làir, strawberry [subhach] a. merry, cheerful [subhailc] nf. pl.+ean, virtue, moral goodness [sud] yon, that
there : an sud, yonder [sùgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rope of twisted straw [sùgh] nm. g.v. sùigh; pl. sùighean, juice,
sap [sùgradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, mirth, diversion, play [suic] See soc [suidh] va.+e, sit, sit upon eggs [suidhe]
nm. sitting : 'na shuidhe, sitting : dèan suidhe, sit down [suidheachadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, situation, arrangement,
pattern, letting for rent, disposition [suidhich] va. settle, appoint, arrange, plant, set, let for rent [suidhichte]
a. settled, appointed, arranged, planted, set, let [sùil] nf. g. sùla; pl.+ean, eye, a look, expectation, orifice [suilbhir]
a. cheerful, jolly [sùil-chrith] nf. g. sùl-; pl. sùilean-crith, quagmire [suillean] nm. g.v. -ein, expression of joy
or gladness [suim] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan, sum, regard, consideration, attention, account : gabh suim dheth, pay regard to
it [suimeil] a. considerate, respectful [suipeir] nf. g. -earach; pl.+ean, supper : suipeir an Tighearna, The Lord's
Supper [suiridhe] nf. courting, wooing [sùist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, flail [sùith] nm. g.+e, soot [sùl], [sùla] See
sùil [sùlair] nm. pl.+ean, gannet [sult] nm. g.v. suilt, fatness, comeliness, mirth, fertility [sultmhor] a. fat,
fertile, comely, merry [sumain] va. -anadh, summon, prosecute [sùmhail] a. closely packed, tidily tied up, peaceable,
tame [sunnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, easy chair of twisted straw [sunnd] nm.ind. cheerfulness, good humour [sunndach]
a. cheerful, joyful, good humoured [sùrd] nm. g.v. sùird, alacrity, eager exertion, industry [sùrdail] a. eager, diligent,
in good working trim [suthainn] a. eternal, everlasting