[là] and [latha] nm. pl. làithean, day [là-arn-a-mhàireach] nm. the morrow [labhair] va.+t, speak [labhairt]
v.n.ind. speaking, speech [labhrach] a. talkative, loquacious [Là-bhreitheanais] pnm. the Day of Judgment [lach]
nf. g.+a; d. laich; pl.+an, a wild duck [lachdunn] a. dun, tawny, swarthy [ladar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, ladle [ladarna]
a. bold, impudent, shameless [ladarnas] nm. g.v. -ais, audacity, impudence [ladhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, hoof [lag]
a. weak, feeble, faint [lag] nm. g.v. luig; pl.+an, hollow, dell [lagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little hollow or dell [lagh]
nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, law, order, method : air lagh, stretched as a bow string [laghach] a. nice, tidy, neat, pretty [laghail]
a. legal, lawful [laidh] See laigh [Lag-an-ràta] pnm. Logierait [laidhe] See laighe [làidir] a. +e and treasa
(see treise), strong, powerful, secure, fortified [laigh] va. and vn. laighe, lie, lie down, subside, recline [laighe]
v.n. lying, reclining, subsiding [laigse] nf. weakness, debility, feebleness [làimh ri] by, near to, at hand. See làmh [làimhsich]
va. handle, feel or touch with the fingers, finger, treat a subject, thing or person [laimrig] nf. pl.+ean, a landing-place,
a natural pier [làine] a. fuller [lainnir] nf. polish, brightness [làir] nf. g. làrach; pl. làraichean, mare [làirig]
nf. pl.+ean, sloping hill, moor [laiste] a. blazing, alight, lighted up [làithean] See là [làmh] nf. g. làimhe; d.
làimh; pl.+an, hand : làmh dheas, the right hand : làmh chlì, left hand : làimh ri, near to : roimh làimh, beforehand [làmhainn]
nf. pl.+ean, glove [lamh-làidir] nf. force, violence, the strong hand; inflected on the first element [lamh-sgrìobhaidh]
nf. one's hand-writing, signature; inflected on the first element [làn] a. full, complete, filled, satisfied, governs the
g. of n. [làn] nm. a full, fulness, repletion [lànan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, married couple, couple of roof [langan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, bellow of deer [langanaich] nf. bellowing of deer [lann] nf. g. lainne; d. lainn; pl.+an, blade,
sword, scale as of fish, lancet [lann] nf. g. lainne; d. lainn; pl.+an, inclosure, house, repository, apartment [Lannraig]
pnf. Lanark [laoch] nm. g.v. laoich; pl. laoich, hero, champion, warrior [laochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little hero,
familiar term in applauding a boy [laogh] nm. g.v. laoigh; pl. laoigh, calf [laoidh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, lay, hymn, sacred
poem [laoigh] See laogh [lapach] a. benumbed, feeble, impotent, faltering [laparan] nm. g.v. -ain; moving with a
halt (L.Sc. hirplin) [làr] nm. g.v. làir; pl. làir, the ground, floor, ground floor [làrach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean,
the site of a building, abode, habitation [las] va. kindle, set fire to, light, get into a passion [lasaich] va. slacken,
loose, relax [lasair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, flame, flash of fire [lasgair] nm. pl.+ean, young spark [lasrach]
a. emitting flames [latha] nm. day, one day, certain day. See là [làthach] nf. g.d. -aich, clay, mire, puddle [lathail]
a. daily [làthair] nf. presence : an làthair, present : 'na làthair, in his presence : làthair, truly! indeed! [làthaireachd]
nf.ind. presence [le] prep. with, together with, by means of, in possession of, on the side of [lèabag] nf. g.d. -aig;
pl.+an, flounder (L.Sc. fluckie) [leabaidh] nf. g. leapa; pl. leapachan, bed [leabhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean,
book, volume [leabhar aidmheil a' chreidimh] the book of the Confession of faith [leabhar-reiceadair] nm. pl. -reiceadairean,
bookseller; inflected on the second element [leabhran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little book, booklet [leac] nf. g. lice;
d. lic; pl.+an, flagstone, plate, cheek [leacann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, steep shelvy ground [leac-an-teintein] nf.
g.d. lic-; pl. leacan-, hearth-stone [leadair] va. +t, mangle, rend, abuse [leadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a rosary,
lock of hair, the herb teazle; a musical strain [leag] va. +ail and +adh, throw down, knock down, lay down [leagail]
and [leagadh] nm. pl.+ean, fall, throwing down, knocking down, demolishing, settling down : An leagadh, Adam's fall [leagh]
va. and vn. melt, become liquid [leam] prep.pron.; leamsa, emph.pron.; with me, by me, in my possession [leamh] a. importunate,
impertinent, foolish, insipid, silly [Leamhanach] pnm. g.v. -aich : An Leamhanach, The Lennox [lean] va. +ailt and +tainn,
follow, adhere to, stick to, continue [lèan] nm. g.+a; v. lèin; pl.+an, meadow, lawn [leanabail] and [leanabaidh] a.
childish [leanaban] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, infant, little child [leanabh] nm. g.v. leinibh; pl. -aibh, child [leanachd
(ri)] nf.ind. sticking to [lèanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little meadow, lawn or plain [leann] nm. g.+a, ale, beer,
liquor [leann-dubh] nm. melancholy, dejection, sadness; inflected on both elements [leantainn] v.n. following, pursuing,
adhering to [leannan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, sweetheart, lover [learg] nf. g.d. leirg; pl.+an, sloping plain, a sea
coast [leas] nm.ind. advantage, benefit, profit, improvement [leas] nf. g.d. leis, the thigh; collectively : leasraidh [leasaich]
va. amend, improve, rectify, correct, manure, cultivate [leasg] a. lazy, slothful, unwilling, loath; usually : leisg [leat]
prep.pron. with you, by you, in your possession [leatha] prep.pron. with her, by her, in her possession [leathad] nm.
g.v. -aid; pl. leòidean, declivity, side of a hill, slope [leathann] a. lèithne, broad [leathar] nm. g. -rach; v. -air,
leather [leatrom] nm. g. -truim, burden, weight [leig] va. and vn. +eil and +eadh, let, let out, let go, permit, allow,
milk, rain : leig leis, permit him : leigidh mi fhaicinn duit, I'll let you see : leig as, let away [leigeil] v.n. letting,
allowing, setting free, raining, milking [léigh] nm. pl.+ean, physician, surgeon [leigheas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, cure,
remedy; healing, curing [leighis] va. -eas, cure, heal, remedy [léine] nf. pl. -tean, shirt, shift, smock, winding-sheet [leinn]
prep.pron. with us, by us, in our possession [léir] nm. sight, perception, power of seeing or being seen : is léir dhomh,
I see [léir] in the phr. : gu léir, altogether, entirely, wholly [léir] va. torment, pain, distress [léirsgrios]
nm. pl.+an, utter destruction [leis] prep.pron. with him, by him, in his possession [leis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, thigh.
See leas [leis] prep. before the art. an : leis an sin, on that account. See le [leisg] a. better : leasg [leisg]
nf. g.+e, laziness, sloth, slothfulness, indolence [leisgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, lazy person, sluggard [leisgeul]
nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, excuse, pretence; also lethsgeul [leithid] nm. pl.+ean, the like, equal [leitir] nf. g. -reach;
pl. -richean, side of a hill or country [leò] prep.pron. with them, by them, in their possession [leóghann] nm. g.v.
-ainn; pl.+an, lion [leóghanta] a. brave as a lion [leòinte] a. wounded, hurt, grieved, afflicted [leòir] See leòr [leòm]
nf. g. leòime; d. leòim, pride, conceit, vainglory [leòmach] a. conceited, vainglorious, affected [leòn] nm. g.v. leòin;
pl.+tan, wound, hurt, grief, affliction [leòn] va. wound, hurt, grieve, afflict [leòr] nf.ind. plenty, sufficiency,
enough : a leòr, his fill : gu leòir, enough : is leòr leam, I think it sufficient [le 'r] with our, by our, for : le ar [le
'r] with your, by your, for : le bhur [leth] nm.ind. half, one of two : ceud gu leth, a hundred and a half, 150 : leth-uair,
half an hour : leth-taobh, one side : leth-shuil, one eye : leth-cheann, one side of the head : leth-lamh, one hand : leth-chas,
one leg : leth-bhreac, one of a pair, correlative, equal, match : as a leth, on his behalf : leth-thàmh, half idleness : lethcheud,
fifty [leud] nm. g.v. leòid; pl.+an, breadth [leudaich] va. and vn. make broad, enlarge, dilate; enlarge upon [leug]
nf. g. léige; d. léig; pl.+an, precious stone, jewel [leugh] va. read, peruse [leughadair] nm. pl.+ean, reader [leum]
va. leum, leap, jump, bound, skip [leum] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, leap, jump, bound, skip [leus] nm. g.v. leòis; pl. leòis,
a light, torch, blister, a ray, beam or blink of light [liath] a. léithe, grey, greyheaded, mouldy [liathaich] va. and
vn. make grey, become grey [liathghorm] a. greyish blue [lic] See leac [lide] and [lideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean,
syllable, articulation, least part of a word [lighiche] nm. pl.+an, physician, surgeon, leech [linn] nm. pl.+tean, generation,
age, century; race, offspring, family [lìnn] nm. g.+e; pl.+tean, brood [linne] nf. pl.+achan, linn, pool, pond, gulf,
arm of the sea [linntean] pl. of linn [liobasta] a. -aiste, slovenly, awkward, clumsy [lìomh] va. polish, smooth [lìon]
nm. g.v. lìn, lint, flax [lìon] nm. g.v. lìn; pl.+tan, net, fishing net [lìon] va. and vn. fill, replenish, satiate,
become full [lìon] in : cia lìon, how many? [lìonadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, filling, replenishing, flowing of the tide [lìonmhor]
a. numerous, plentiful, copious, populous [lionn] See leann [lios] nf. g. lise; d. lis; pl.+an, garden, orchard [Lìte]
pnf. Leith [lìth] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, colour, hue, tinge [litir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, letter, epistle; letter
of the alphabet [litreachas] nm. g.v. -ais, literature [litrich] va. spell, put in letters [liubhair] va.+t and -radh,
deliver, give to, surrender [liuthad] so many, many, several [lò] for : là [lobh] va. and vn. rot, putrify, make
putrid, become putrid [locar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, carpenter's plane [loch] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, loch, lake, arm of the
sea [Loch-abar] pnm. Lochaber [lochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little loch, pond, dam [Loch-ceatharn] pnm. Loch Katrine [lochd]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, blemish, defect, harm, evil, mischief [lochdach] a. faulty, defective; criminal, hurtful [Loch Laomainn]
pnm. Loch Lomond [Loch-nan-eala] pnm. Loch Nell [lòchran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, torch, light, lamp [lodan] nm.
g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little pool [lòin] See lòn [loinid] nf. pl.+ean, churn staff [lòinidh] nm.ind. rheumatism [loinn]
nf. g.+e, good condition, comeliness, charm [loinneil] a. comely, elegant, beautiful, bright [loisg] va. and vn. losgadh,
burn, cause to burn, consume, scorch, fire as a gun, set flame to [lom] a. luime, bare, bald, shaven, cropped : air lom,
into view [lom] nm. g.v. luim, pl. luim, a plain, bare surface [lomair] va.+t, fleece; shear, as sheep [lomairt]
v.n. fleecing, shearing [lomnochd] a. naked, uncovered [lomraich] va. fleece; shear, as sheep [lon] nm. g.v. loin;
pl. loin, elk [lòn] nm. g.v. lòin, food, provision [lòn] nm. g.v. lòin; pl. lòintean, meadow, lawn, morass, pool [lon-dubh]
nm. g.v. loin-duibh; pl. loin-dubha, blackbird [long] nf. g. luinge; d. luing; pl.+an, ship [lorg] nf. g. luirge; d.
luirg; pl.+an, staff, crutch, haft of a spear [lorg] nf. g. luirge; d. luirg; pl.+an, foot-print, track, path, mark or
sign [lorgaich] va. trace, track, search, pursue [lorgair] nm. pl.+ean, tracker, a dog that follows the scent [los]
nm.ind. purpose, intention, sake, account : a los, for the purpose of, for the sake of, on account of, with the intention
of [losgadh] v.n. burning, combustion [losgunn] nf. g.d. -uinn; pl.+an, frog, toad [lot] nm. g.v. loit; pl.+an; wound,
hurt [lot] va. wound, pierce, hurt [loth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, filly [lothag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, little filly [luach]
nm.ind. value, worth [luachair] nf. g. -rach, rushes, taken collectively [luachmhor] a. valuable, precious [luadh]
nm. g.v. luaidh, fulling [luadhadh] v.n. fulling [luaidh] va. luadhadh, thicken cloth by fulling [luaidh] nf. g.+e;
pl.+ean, lead, leaden shot, lead or plummet of sounding line [luaineach] a. unsettled, restless, inconstant, fickle, uncertain [luaisg]
va. and vn. luasgadh, shake, wave, toss, swing, rock [luaithe] a. quicker, swifter, faster, sooner, speedier [luaithre]
nf.ind. ashes [luasgadh] v.n. waving, tossing, swinging, rocking [luath] nf. g.+ainn; d. luaith, ashes [Luath] pnm.
dog's name, meaning `speedy' [luath] a. quick, swift, fast, fleet, soon, speedy : cho luath 's a, as soon as [luathaich]
va. and vn. hasten, make haste, accelerate, speed [luathas] nm. g.v. -ais, quickness, swiftness, speed [lùb] va. and
vn. bend, incline, stoop, humble, yield, consent [lùb] nf. g.d. lùib; pl.+an, bend, loop, noose, snare [lub] nm. g.+a;
v. luib; pl.+annan, pool, dub, puddle [luch] nf. g.+a; d. luich; pl.+an, mouse [luchag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, mousie [lùchairt]
nf. pl.+ean, palace, castle [luchd] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, burden, load, cargo [luchd] nm. people, folk, a set; used mostly
in compound words [luchdaich] va. load [luchd-dàimh] nm. relations, kindred [luchd-dùthcha] nm. countrymen [luchd-imrich]
nm. flitters, those removing from one residence to another [luchd-siubhail] nm. travellers [lùdag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an,
the little finger [lùdagan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hinge [lùdan], [lùdnan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hinge [lugha] a.
less, smaller [lughad] nf. g. -aid, littleness [lughdaich] va. and vn. lessen, diminish, assuage, mitigate [lùib]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, fold, corner, angular turning as of a stream, creek [luibh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, herb, plant [luid]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, rag, drudge, ragged slovenly one, slut [luideach] a. ragged, slovenly, shaggy [luideag] nf. g.d.
-eig; pl.+an, little rag [luideagach] a. ragged, tattered [luidhear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, chimney, vent [luidseach]
nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, lumbering person; also luidse [luinge] See long [luingeas] nm. g.v. -eis, shipping; also
ship [luinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, ditty, chorus [lùireach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, large cloak or covering,
covering of mail, patched garment or covering [luirg] nf. g. -inn; pl.+nean, shank, shin, leg, shaft or handle, haft, stalk
of plant [lunn] nm. g.v. luinn; pl.+an, handle of an oar, staff, lever, an unbroken wave [Lunnainn] pnf. London [Lunndaidh]
surname, Lundie [lunndair] nm. pl.+ean, sluggard, idler, lazy, indolent person [lurach] a. lovely, pretty, nimble, lively,
delightful [luraiche] a. more lovely, pretty, nimble, lively and delightful [lurgann] nf. g.d. -ainn; pl. luirgnean,
shin. See luirg [lus] nm. g.v. luis; pl.+an, herb, plant, weed [Lus] pnm. Luss [lusach] a. full of herbs, plants
or weeds [lùth] nm. g.+a; v. lùith, strength, power, vigour, activity, pith [lùth-chleas] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, agility,
a manly feat, athletic exercises, sleight of hand, jugglery [lùthmhor] a. strong, able, powerful, agile, supple
[m'] for : mo, my; precedes vow. and f asp. ['m] for : am, the art. and the verbal part.; follows prep.
ending in vow. [m'] for : mu, about, before; precedes poss.pron. beginning with vow. and the art. and the verbal part.
an or am [ma] if : ma ta, well then, very well [màb] va. abuse, vilify, reproach angrily [mabach] a. lisping, stammering,
stuttering in speech [mabair] nm. pl.+ean, stammerer, stutterer [mac] nm. g.v. mic; pl. mic, son, the young of any animal [Mac
a' Chombaich] pnm. Colquhoun [macan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, little son, sonnie [macanta] a. -ainte, meek, mild, gentle,
`filial' [macantas] nm. g.v. -ais, meekness, mildness, gentleness [Mac-an-Rothaich] pnm. Munro [Mac Gill-eathain]
pnm. Maclean [Mac Griogair] pnm. MacGregor [Mac Lachlainn] pnm. MacLachlan [Mac Nèill Bharra] pnm. MacNeil of Barra [Mac
Rath] pnm. MacRae [Mac Sheumais] pnm. Jamieson, MacHamish [mach] n. out, without, outside, should be used only with
v. of motion : am mach ort, out you go. See muigh [machair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, field, plain, level country :
A' mhachair ghallda, the low country, Lowland Scotland [mac-leisg] nm. g.v. mic-; pl. mic-, lazy, indolent person [mac-màthar]
nm. mother's son; inflected on the first element [mac-meanmna] nm. the fancy, the imagination [macraidh] nf.ind. youths,
regarded collectively [mac-talla] nm.ind. echo [madadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, dog, any wild animal of the dog
species, hound, mastiff [madadh-alluidh] nm. wolf; inflected on first element [madadh-donn] nm. otter; inflected on
both elements [madadh-ruadh] nm. fox; inflected on both elements [màdar] nm. g.v. -air, madder (dye stuff) [maduinn]
nf. g. maidne; pl. maidnean, morning [màg] nf. g.d. màig; pl.+an, paw, ludicrous term for the hand [mag] va. scoff,
mock, deride [màgair] va. -aran, creep, crawl, handle clumsily, paw [magair] nm. pl.+ean, mocker [màgaran] nm. g.v.
-ain, creeping on all fours [magh] nm. g.v. maigh; pl.+an, field, level country, plain [maghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean,
a bait for fishing with [maide] nm. pl.+an, wood, timber, a stick [maidne] See maduinn [màidsear] nm. g.v. -eir;
pl.+an, a major in the army [maighdean] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, maid, maiden, virgin [maigheach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean,
hare [maighstir] nm. pl.+ean, master, title applied to clergymen of the Scottish Church : Maighstir Alasdair, the Rev.
Alexander [maighstir-sgoile] nm. schoolmaster [màileid] nf. pl.+ean, bag, wallet, budget [maille] nf.ind. delay,
hindrance, slowness [maille ri] for : am maille ri, along with [mair] vn. -sinn, last, live, continue [mairbh] See
marbh [màireach] for : am bàireach : am màireach, an là màireach, tomorrow [maireann] a. lasting, continuing, abiding,
remaining [Màiri] pnf. Mary [maise] nf.ind. beauty, comeliness, ornament, decoration [maiseach] a. beautiful, comely,
ornamental, decorated [maith] a. fèarr, fhèarr and feobha, good, fit, useful, virtuous, becoming, valid, skilled, in good
health, etc. : is maith leam, I am glad, I am pleased. See math [maith] va. forgive, pardon [maithean] nm. pl. nobles,
upper class of society. See math [maitheanas] nm. g.v. -ais, pardon, forgiveness [maitheas] nm. g.v. -eis, goodness,
kindness, bounty [màl] nm. g.v. màil; pl.+an, rent, tax, tribute [màla] nf. g.d. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, bag, budget, sack,
bag of a bagpipe [mala] nf. g.d. malaidh; pl. mailghean, eyebrow [mal] See mol, shingle [malairt] nf. pl.+ean, exchange,
barter, buying and selling [màlda] a. mild, calm, gentle, modest [màl-dubh] nm. blackmail; inflected on both elements [mall]
a. maille and moille, slow, placid [mallachd] nf. pl.+an, a curse, imprecation [mallaich] va. curse, use imprecations [màm]
nm. g.v. màim; pl.+an, hill of a round, slowly rising form [màm] nm. g.v. màim; pl.+an, the full of the two hands of any
granulated substance [manach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, monk [manadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, omen, sign, portent [mang]
nf. g.d. maing; pl.+an, a fawn, year-old deer [maodal] nf. g.d. -ail; pl.+an, paunch [maoidh] va. and vn. grudge, upbraid,
threaten [maoilead] nm. g.v. -eid, baldness, bluntness. See maolad [maoim] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, terror, alarm, consternation,
panic, sudden burst or eruption, sudden attack, surprise attack [maoin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, wealth, property, goods and
gear [maol] nf. g. maoile; d. maoil; pl.+an, cape, promontory [maol] a. bald, hornless, polled, blunt, pointless, edgeless,
bare, easily deceived [maolad] nm. g. -aid, baldness, bluntness, bareness. See maoilead [maor] nm. g.v. maoir; pl. maoir,
subordinate officer in various capacities, bailiff, officer of justice [maorach] nm. g.v. -aich, shellfish of all kinds [maor-rìgh]
nm. officer of court, messenger-at-arms; inflected on the first element [maoth] a. soft, tender, delicate, effeminate [maothaich]
va. and vn. soften, alleviate, become softer, become delicate [maothan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, the chest; a twig, bud [mar]
as, even as, how, in like manner, like, like as : mar sin, in the same manner, in that manner : mar so, in this manner : mar
tha, already, as it is : mar gu'm b'ann, as 'twere [mara] See muir [marag] nf. g.d. -aig, pl.+an, pudding [maraiche]
nm. pl.+an, sailor, mariner [mar an ceudna] in like manner, likewise, also [maraon] phr. together, in concert, as one;
accented on last syllable [marbh] a. dead, lifeless, torpid, vapid, tasteless : na mairbh, the dead [marbh] va. kill,
slay [marcach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean and -aich, rider, horseman [marcachd] nf.ind. riding [marcaich] va. -achd,
ride [marcaich-shìne] nf.ind. riders of the storm; rain-drifts [marg] nf. g.d. mairg; pl. margan, merk = 13/4 Scots
: marg fearainn, mark-land, `Merksworth' [margadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, market, buying and selling [marsanta]
nm. pl.+n, merchant, dealer in wares [mart] nf. g.d. mairt; pl. mairt, cow [ma's] if it be, or is [màs] nm. g.v.
màis; pl.+an, hip, buttock, bottom of any vessel [masladh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, disgrace, affront, reproach [maslaich]
va. disgrace, affront, degrade, reproach [ma tà] if so, then, however, nevertheless [math] a. good : bu mhath leam,
I would like : gu math mór, pretty big : cha mhath leo, they care not to. See maith [math] nm. g.v. maith; pl. maithean,
a noble, a hero [mathaich] va. manure land [màthair] nf. g. -ar; pl. -raichean, mother, the dam of any beast, source
: mathair-uisge, the source of a stream, wellhead; mathair-ionnstrumaid, the prime cause or agency [meacan] nm. g.v. -ain;
pl.+an, root, bulb [meacanaich] nf. sobbing [meachainn] nf. abatement, deduction, discretionary power [meachair]
a. soft, tender, delicate, agreeable [meachar] nf. g.d. -air, control [meadar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, circular wooden
vessel [meadhail] nf. joy, glee. Also meadhar [meadhon] nm. g.v. -oin; pl.+an, middle, centre, midst, waist, a mean [meadhonach]
a. intermediate, middling, indifferent [meadhrach] a. glad, joyful, festive, lively [mèag] nm. g.v. mèig, whey [meal]
va.+tainn, possess, enjoy [meala] See mil [meall] nm. g.v. mill; pl. mill and +an, lump, mass, mound, bunch, cluster;
meallan, little lump, etc. [meall] va. deceive, beguile, entice, cheat, defraud, disappoint [meallain] in : clachan-meallain,
which see [meallanach] a. lumpy, knobby; abounding in lumps, heaps or hillocks [mealltach] a. deceitful, unreliable,
disappointing [mealltaireachd] nf.ind. cheating, imposing [mealtainn] v.n. enjoying, possessing [meamhair] nf. pl.+ean,
memory, remembrance; also meomhair [mean] a. +a, minute, small [mèanan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, yawn [mèananaich]
nf. yawning [meanbh] a. diminutive, small, minute : meanbh-litir, the smaller letters, in contradistinction to the capital
letters [meanbh-chuileag] nf. g. -eig; pl.+an, midge, gnat [meanglan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, branch, twig, bough [Meanachan]
pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `dwarfish person' [meanmna] nm. g.v. +idh, spirit, mettle, magnanimity, bravery, courage [meanmnach]
a. high-spirited, mettled, magnanimous, brave courageous [meanmnachd] nf.ind. mettle, spirit, fancy [meann] nm. g.v.
minn; pl. minn, kid, young roe [mear] a. +a, merry, sportive, wanton, playful [mearachd] nf. pl.+an, error, mistake [mèars]
va. march [meas] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, fruit [meas] nm.ind. respect, regard, esteem, reputation, opinion, judgment, estimate,
valuing [meas] va. and vn. meas and +adh, judge, value, estimate, esteem, regard, respect [measail] a. respectable,
worthy, respected, valued, esteemed [measair] nf. pl.+ean, tub (L.Sc. bine) [measan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, lap-dog,
messan [measarra] a. temperate, moderate, reasonable [measg] va. mingle, mix, stir together [measg] in the phr. :
am measg, among, amidst [measgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a dish to hold butter [meata] a. feeble, soft, cowardly, faint-hearted [meath]
va. and vn. become weak or timid; decay, fade; dishearten, discourage; move with pity, affect [meidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
a balance, weighing apparatus [meidhich] va. weigh with scales or a balance [meigead], [meigeart] nm. g. -eid or -eirt,
the bleat of a goat : meigeartaich, meigeadaich, continued bleating of goats [meigeil] nf.ind. bleating of goats [mèil]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a bleat, as of sheep : mèilich, continued bleating of sheep [meil] va. grind, pulverise [mèin], [mèinn]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, mine; ore [mèin], [mèinn] nf. g.+e, disposition, inclination, mind, desire [mèinneadair] nm. pl.+ean,
miner [meirbh] va. digest in the stomach [meirbh] a. feeble, spiritless, delicate [meirg] va. and vn. rust, become
rusty, cause to rust [meirg] nf. g.+e, rust [meirghe] nf. pl.+an, banner, troop [mèirle] nf.ind. theft, thieving [mèirleach]
nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, thief [mèith] a. fat, greasy, corpulent; rich, as soil [meòg] nm. g.v. meòig, whey. See mèag [meòir]
See meur [meud] nm.ind. size, bulk, extent, measure; as many as : cia meud, how many, or how much : air mheud 's a their
iad, notwithstanding what they say [meudachd] nf.ind. bulk, size [meudaich] va. and vn. increase, enlarge, extend, multiply,
cause to increase, abound [meur] nm. g.v. meòir; pl. meòir, finger, toe, branch, bough; branch of a family [meuraich]
va. finger, handle [meuran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, thimble, a little branch [mhàin] in the phr. : a mhàin, only, alone
: am fear sin a mhàin, that man only [mi] and [mì] pron. I, me [mì-] pref. equaling in- and un- in Eng., meaning `opposite'
or `want of' [miabadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, affront, humiliation [miadh] nm.ind. honour, esteem, respect, demand [miagail],
[miamhail] nf. mewing, as a cat [mial] nf. g.+a, and mìle; pl.+an, louse [miannaich] See mèananaich [miann] nm. pl.+an,
desire, inclination, will, longing : is miann leam, I wish, desire : leis am miann, who desires [miannaich] va. and vn.
desire, long for, covet [mias] nf. g. mèise; d. mèis; pl.+an, plate, platter, flat dish [mic] See mac [mi-fhortanach]
a. unfortunate [mi-iomchuidh] a. unsuitable, unfit, improper [mil] nf. g. meala, honey [mi-laghail] a. unlawful [mìle]
nf. pl. mìltean, mile, thousand [milis] a. sweet [mill] va. spoil, destroy, mar, injure [mìltean] See mìle [mi-mhodh]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an or +annan, bad manners, disrespect [mi-mhodhail] a. unmannerly, unpolite, rude [min] nf. g.+e, meal [mìn]
a. soft, delicate, tender to the touch; smooth, even on the surface, mild, meek, calm, unruffled as water, pulverised, ground
fine; fine, soft, as cloth or like fabric [mi-nàdurra] a. unnatural [mìnich] va. smooth, make small, pulverise, explain,
expound, interpret [minig] a. mionca, often, frequent [ministear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, minister, clergyman [minn]
See meann [miodal] nm. flattering, fawning, fair spokenness [mìogach] a. smiling, smirking, sly looking [miolaran]
nm. g.v. -ain, the whining of a dog when fawning [mìol-chu] nm. greyhound; inflected on the latter element [mìomhaich]
va. toss, abuse, maltreat [mìomhail] a. for : mi-mhodhail [mion] a. +a. See mean [mionach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean,
bowels, entrails [mionaid] nf. pl.+ean, minute of time [mionn] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, oath, imprecation [mionnaich] va.
and vn. swear, vow, use imprecations [mìorbhuil] nm. pl.+ean, miracle, wonder, prodigy [mìorun] for : mi-rùn [mìos]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, month [miosa] a. worse, worst [mìothlachd] for : mi-thlachd [mìr] nm. g.+e; pl.+eannan, a bit,
part, piece; luncheon [mire] nm. pastime, playing, diversion, frolic; transport of rage or ardour [mire-chath] nf. rage
of battle, battle fury [mireag] nf. g.d. -eig; playing, frisking, sporting [mireagach] a. playful, frisking, sportive [mireagaich]
nm. playing, frolicking [mi-riaghailt] nf. pl.+ean, irregularity, disorder, turbulence [mi-rùn] nm. g.v. -rùin, malice,
ill-will, spite [misde] a. the worse of, the worse for [misg] nf. g.+e, drunkenness, intoxication : air mhisg, drunk [misgeach]
a. drunken, addicted to intoxicating liquor [misgear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, drunkard [mise] emph.pron. I, me [misneach]
nm. g.v. -ich, courage, fortitude, spirit [misneachail] a. courageous [misnich] va. and vn. encourage, take courage [mith]
nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, obscure, humble person : mithean, the lower class [mithich] nf.ind. time; proper, or fit, time or season
: is mithich a bhi falbh, it is time to go [mi-thlachd] nm. dissatisfaction [mna], [mnatha], [mnathan] See bean [mnaoi]
See bean [mo] poss.pron. my [mò] a. larger, bigger, greater, largest, etc. : cha mhò bha mise, no more was I : na 's
mò, greater, no more : dé is mò leamsa iad, what the more care I [moch] a. early, betimes, soon [mochthrath] nf. morning,
dawn of day [mòd] nm. g.v. mòid; pl.+an, court, trial, assembly [modh] nm. g.+a; pl.+annan, manner, mode, method, good
manners [modhail] a. -ala, mannerly, polite [mogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, footless stocking (L.Sc. hugger) [mogul]
nm. g.v. -uil; pl.+an, husk, as of nut; mesh, interstice of net [mòid] nf. g.+e, greatness; a. more, the more [mòine]
nf. g. mòna; pl. -tean, a moss, a mossy place; peats, turf [Moirreach] surname, Murray [moit] nf. g.+e, sulkiness, pride,
pettishness [moiteil] a. sulky, pettish, proud [mol] va. praise, recommend [mol] nf. shingly beach; also, mal and
mul [molach] a. hairy, rough; stormy [moll] nm. g.v. muill, chaff [monadail] a. mountainous [monadh] nm. g.v.
-aidh; pl. -aidhean, mountain, heathy expanse, mountain range [Monadhchal-tuathaireach] pnm. Monachal-tuarach, place name [monadh-frìth]
nm. deer forest; inflected on the first element [monar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, trifling thing or person : cha bu mhonar
e, it was no trifling affair [monmhur] nm. g.v. -uir; pl.+an, murmuring noise [Mont-ròs] pnm. Montrose, place name [Mór]
pnf. g.d. Móir, rendered in Eng. `Sarah' and `Marion'; Mórag, little Mór [mór] a. motha and mò, big, large, great, important,
tall, of high rank, lofty, spacious; familiar; esteemed : cha mhór nach do thuit mi, I almost fell : tha iad mór aig a chéile,
they are great friends (L.Sc. they are great wi' ither) : tha e mór as féin, he is self-important [mórachd] nf.ind. greatness,
majesty, dignity [Mórag] pnf. g.d. -aig. See Mór [mórail] a. majestic, high-class [morair] nm. pl.+ean, old personal
title rendered in Eng. `lord' [mòralach] a. honourable [mòralachd] nf.ind. greatness, majesty, honour [móran] nm.
g.v. -ain, much, many, great quantity, great number [mòrchuis] nf. pride, splendour; ambition [morghath] nm. g.+a; v.
-aith; pl.+an, fishing spear [mort] nm. g.v. moirt; pl. moirt, murder, murdering, slaying; also murt [mort] va. mort
and +adh, murder, slay [mortair] nm. pl.+ean, murderer [mór-thir] nf. pl.+ean, mainland, continent [mosach] a. nasty,
filthy, sordid, mean [mosgail] va. and vn. -ladh, waken, rouse; awake, rise from sleep [mosgain] nm. rottenness, mustiness [motha]
a. larger, greater; also, mò [mothaich] va. perceive, observe, feel, know, take notice [mu] prep. about, around; of,
concerning, on account of, for : mu'n cuairt, about, round about : mu thimcheall, about, around, concerning : mu choinneamh,
opposite [muc] nf. g. muice; d. muic; pl.+an, sow, pig [mucag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, the fruit of the dog rose (L.Sc.
hip) [mùch] va. quench, extinguish, suffocate, squeeze together [mùdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, covering for a gun [mugharn]
nf. g. -airne; d. -airn; pl. -airnean, ankle [muicfheoil] nf. g. -fheola, pork [muidhe] nm. pl.+an or +achan, a churn;
also, crannachan [mùig] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, cloudiness, surliness, gloom, frown [muigh] n. out, outside; used with v.
of rest. See mach [muileann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl.+an, mill [muilichinn] See muinichill [muillean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl.
-einean, million [muillear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, miller [muiltfheoil] nf. g. -fheola, mutton [muime] nf. pl.+achan,
nurse, stepmother [muin] va. teach, instruct [muin] nf.ind. back, back part of the neck and region immediately below
same : air a mhuin, on his back, on top of him [mùin] va. mùn, micturate [muineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eilean, neck
of human being [muing] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, horse's mane [muinichill] nm. pl.+ean, sleeve; also, muilichinn [muinighinn]
nf. pl.+ean, confidence, trust, hope; dependence [muinntir] nf. g. -reach, folks, people, household; relations, friends [muir]
nf. g. mara; pl. marannan, sea, ocean [muirichinn] nf. children, family; burden, care [mùirn] nf. g.+e, affectionate
joy, tenderness [mul] nm. g.v. muil; pl.+an, conical heap, mound [mul] See mol, shingly beach [mul] nm. g.v. muil;
pl.+an, axle, axle-tree [mulachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a cheese [mulad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, melancholy, sadness [muladach]
a. melancholy, sad [mulan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, small stook of hay or corn [mullach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean,
top, summit, upper end [mult] nm. g.v. muilt; pl. muilt, wether. Better molt [mu'm] before that, ere; precedes v. beginning
with p,b,f,m [mu'n] before that, ere; precedes v. beginning with vow. and con. other than p,b,f,m : mu'n robh iad réidh,
before they were ready [mu'n gann] before - hardly : mu'n gann a bha iad réidh, almost before they were ready [mur]
if not, except, unless [mùrlag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fishing basket [murrach] a. able, capable [Murrachan] pnm.
g.v. -ain, meaning `little capable one' [murt] See mort [murtair] See mortair [mus an], [mus am] before that, lest,
ere, for mu'n, mu'm [musg] nf. g.d. muisg; pl.+an, musket [mùsg] nm. g.v. mùisg; pl.+an, rheum of the eyes [musgan]
nm. g.v. -ain, dry rot in wood [mùth] va. change, alter [mùthadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, changing, altering,
difference, alternative [mùghadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, destruction : dol am mùghadh, going to destruction
['n] for : an = the; an = their; an = in; an, the verbal part; follows vow. [n-] precedes n. beginning
with vow. when following ar, our and bhur, ur, your : ar n-aran, our bread, for : arn aran : bhur n-àite, your place, for
: bhurn àite; the n was originally part of the pron. [na] the, the nom. and dat.plur. case of the art. before n. beginning
with con. [na] that which, those who, those which, what, whom, all that : na tha agad, all that you have : na thubhairt
thu, what you said [na] not, let not, the neg.part. before v. beginning with con. : na tog, do not lift [na] of the,
the genitive singular case of the art. before fem.n. beginning with con. [na] than : na's mò na sin, greater than that [na]
contraction for : an do : far na dh' fhàg iad e, where they left it, for far an d' (do) fhàg iad e [na] for : no = or,
q.v. ['na] in his, in her, contraction for : an a [na] in : na b' fhaide, was longer; na b' = past tense of na 's [nach]
neg.part. preceding v. in the interrog. mood : nach till e, will he not return? [nach] the neg. correspondent of who, which
: am fear nach till, he who shall not return [nach] the neg. correspondent of whom, which : an là air nach till e, the
day on which he returns not ['nad] in thy, in your; for : an do [nàdur] nm. g.v. -uir; pl.+an, nature [nàdurra] a.
natural [na h-] not, let not; the neg.part. before v. beginning with vow. : na h-iarr, do not ask [na h-] the, the nom.
and dat.plur. case of the art. before n. beginning with vow. : na h-òrdagan, the thumbs [na h-] of the, the gen.sing. case
of the art. before fem.n. beginning with vow. : bàrr na h-òrdaig, the point of the thumb [naidheachd] nf.pl.+an, news,
tidings [nàimhdean] See nàmhaid [nàimhdeas] nm. g.v. -eis, enmity, hostility, malice [nàimhdeil] a. hostile, inimical [nàire]
nf.ind. shame, ignominy; feeling of shame, bashfulness [nàirich] va. shame, affront, cause shame [naisg] va. nasgadh,
bind, make fast [nall] in the phr. : a nall, to this side, towards us, from the other side [nam] art. of the; precedes
n. in the gen.plur. beginning with p,b,f,m ['nam] in their; precedes n. beginning with p,b,f,m [na 'm] if; precedes
v. in the conditional mood, beginning with p,b,f,m [nàmhaid] nm. pl. nàimhdean, enemy ['nan] in their; precedes n. beginning
with vow. or con. other than p,b,f,m [nan] art. of the; precedes n. in the gen.plur. beginning with vow. or con. other
than p,b,f,m [na 'n] if; precedes v. in the conditional mood, beginning with vow. or con. other than p,b,f,m [naodhamh]
nm. ninth [naoi] num. nine [naoidheamh] See naodhamh [naoidhean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, infant, babe, suckling [naoimh]
See naomh [naoinear] See naonar [naomh] nm. g.v. naoimh; pl. naoimh, holy man, saint [naomh] a. holy, saintly [naomhachd]
nf.ind. holiness, sanctity [naonar] nm. g.v. -air, nine persons collectively [naosg] nm. g.+aich; v. naoisg; pl.+aich,
snipe [nar] neg.part. of wishing : nar leigeadh Dia, God forbid [nàr] a. shameful, disgraceful : is nàr leam, I account
it shameful [na 's] in phrases of comparison : na 's mò, greater [nasg] nm. g.v. naisg; pl.+an, band, tie band, collar [nasgaidh]
in the phr. : a nasgaidh, for : an asgaidh, gratis, without price [nathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, serpent, snake,
adder [nathrach] See nathair [-ne] emph.postfix; follows n. preceded by : ar, our : ar n-athair-ne, our father [neach]
nm. person, any person, individual : neach air bith, anyone at all [nead] nm. g.v. nid; pl. nid, nest [neadaich] va.
nestle, build or make a nest, lie in a nest [nèamh] nm. g.v. nèimh; pl.+an, heaven, the sky [neapaicinn] nf. pl.+ean,
napkin [neart] nm. g.v. neirt, strength, power, might [neartaich] va. strengthen, fortify [neartmhor] a. strong,
powerful [neas] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, weazel [neasgaid] nf. pl.+ean, boil, ulcer [neimh] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, poison [neo]
or; in the phr. : air neo, otherwise, or else. See no [neo-] pref. implying the absence of the quality expressed by the word
to which it is joined [neo-airidh] a. unworthy, undeserving. Better -airigh [neo-chiontach] a. innocent [neo-choltach]
a. unlike, dissimilar, unlikely, improbable [neo-fhaicsinneach] a. invisible [neòil] See neul [neòinean] nm. g.v.
-ein; pl. -einean, daisy [neoini] nm.ind. nothing, nonentity [neònach] a. curious, surprising, droll, amusing, unusual,
odd [neul] nm. g.v. neòil; pl. neòil and +tan, cloud, hue, swoon, stigma [neulach] a. cloudy, obscure, pale [nì]
nm. pl. nithean, thing, circumstance, affair [ni] va.irr. will or shall do, or make [Niall] pnm. g.v. Nèill, Neil [nic]
for : ni mhic, used like `mac' in patronymics, when a female is concerned : Iseabal Nic Ailpein, Isabella Mac Alpine [nid]
See nead [nidean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, little nest, nestie [nigh] va. wash, cleanse, purify [nighean] nf.
g.d. -in and -inn; pl.+an, daughter [nimh] poison. See neimh [nior] not, never; used before the v. : nior chualas, I
never heard : nior thog e, he never lifted [nìos] in the phr. : a nìos, from below, up [nis] in the phr. : a nis, now,
at this time [ni's] for na's (the better form) [nithean] n.pl. See ni [no] or, nor, neither, otherwise, else, if
not : fear no bean, a man or a woman : cha 'n e fear no bean a th' ann, it is neither man nor woman [nochd] va. show, reveal,
disclose, display [nochd] in the phr. : an nochd, to-night (L.Sc. the nicht) [nochd] a. naked, bare, exposed [nodha]
a. new. Also nuadh [Nollaig] nf. pl.+ean, Christmas [nòs] nm. g.v. nòis; pl.+an, custom, manner, habit [nuadh] a.
new, fresh, recent [nuadhaich] va. renew, renovate [nuair] for : an uair, when, at the time [nuall] nm. g.+a; pl.+an,
howl, roar, lowing of cattle [nuas] in the phr. : a nuas, down, downward, from above [null] in the phr. : a null. See
nunn [nunn] in the phr. : a nunn, thither, to the other side, beyond, over to