MAGNOLIA: Peace, nature spells, hair growth
MANDRAKE: For protection,
fertility, money and love. American Mandrake is medicinal and edible (fruit), used extensively by Native Americans.
The fully ripe fruit is eaten raw, cooked or made into jams, jellies, marmalades, pies. It is very aromatic, and has a sweet
peculiar but agreeable flavor. The seeds and rind are not edible, said to be poisonous. The root and plant contain valuable
constituents Quercetin, Kaempferol, Podophyllin, Isorhamnetin, Gallic-acid, Berberine, Alpha-peltatin, that are being studied
for their healing, anticancer and other properties. The root is used as a medicinal herb, it is antibilious, cathartic, cytostatic,
hydrogogue and purgative, it should only be used by professional Herbalists. It is a most powerful and useful alternative
medicine. A possible treatment for cancer is being tested as it contains podophyllin, which has an antimiotic effect (it interferes
with cell division and can thus prevent the growth of cells). The resin, which is obtained from the root, is used in the treatment
of warts. The whole plant, apart from the ripe fruit, is highly poisonous in large doses. American Mandrake herb produces
nausea and vomiting, and even inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which has been known to prove fatal. In moderate
doses, it is a drastic purgative with some cholagogue action. Not a medicinal herb to be used during pregnancy, may cause
birth defects.
MARIGOLD: A Druid sacred herb.
The Druids believed that Marigold water made from the blossoms, then rubbed on the eyelids helped one to see faeries.
Marigold Protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters, psychic powers. The orange marigold is a prolific garden plant. It opens
its petals at nine and closes them at four. A disinfectant herb, marigold has been used in the effective treatment of ulcers
and open sores. The flowers may be eaten raw, taken as a standard infusion or the latter applied as a lotion. The same plant
cures varicose veins and other circulatory troubles. As a lotion, a marigold infusion (petals only) provides the ideal balancer
of an over-oily skin and all complexions.
MARSHMALLOW: Generally found
on waste land. This herb has thick downy leaves and pretty mauvish flowers which appear on clusters at the height of summer.
Mallows are analgesic, antitussive, demulcent, diuretic, febrifuge, highly emollient, slightly laxative and odontalgic. Mallow
or Hibiscus tea is well known in alternative medicine for its use as a demulcent to soothe throat inflammations and laryngitis,
as an expectorant for coughs and bronchitis. It is used in the treatment of dysentery, lung ailments and urinary ailments.
The tea is also taken for gastritis and enteritis or used as an enema for intestinal inflammations, and is an excellent laxative
for young children. Used externally to wash wounds and sores or made into an emollient salve or poultice to soothe skin inflammations.
The root is used as a toothbrush or pealed and given for teething children to chew. A decoction of the roots has been used
to treat fevers and to reduce blood pressure. The seeds are also chewed as a nervine, stomachic and to sweeten the breath,
also said to be aphrodisiac. Fragrant flowers are also used in potpourri.
MEADOWSWEET: One of the three
most sacred hers to the Druids. The other two are mint and vervain (verbena). The flower of the Holly is the Meadow-Sweet
(also known as Bridewort, Queen of the Meadow, Pride of the Meadow and Meadsweet), a late Summer flowering perennial plant
with fern-like foliage and delicate creamy-white flowers which blossom from June until almost September. It grows profusely
along streams, pond edges and wet meadowlands. The blossoms have a delightful sweet fragrance and make an ideal base for pot
pourri. It is one of the best known wild flowers and, together with the Water-Mint and Vervain, was one of the three herbs
held most sacred by the Druids. Medicinally, Meadow-Sweet is valuable as an astringent and diuretic, frequently used in affections
of the blood. However, it should not be taken by persons sensitive to aspirin (salicylate). It is said to be particularly
effective in the treatment of heartburn and stomach ulcers, as well as an aid in the relief of sore joints and muscles. The
name of the plant has its origin not in the word "meadow," but in "mead-wort" due to the flowers of a similar species once
being used to flavor mead or honey-wine. The nectar of the Meadow-Sweet is a particular favorite of Bumblebees and Spring
Azure Butterfly caterpillars. White-tailed Deer often feed on the twigs. Its leaves were once used as a tea and to make a
tonic treatment for intestinal ailments. The plant itself was formerly strewn across the floors of homes. Meadow-Sweet belongs
to the genus Spiraea of the Rose family. In Celtic mythology, Meadow-Sweet was used (together with Oak and Broom) by Gwydion
and Math in the creation of Bloddeuedd as a wife for Llew Llaw Gyffes, a story which is found in The Mabinogion.
MINT: A Druid sacred herb.
Burning mint cleanses the area. The flower of the Reed is the Water Mint, a low-growing, rather coarse perennial, also known
as Wild Mint or Marsh Mint. It belongs to a group known as marginal, bog or shallow water plants and is common in the British
Isles and Northern Europe. Typically, marginals like to have their roots constantly wet, but most of the plant is held above
water level. The Water Mint, which can grow to be a little over three feet tall, bears a perfume similar to that of the Bergamot
Orange. When crushed, it produces a highly aromatic and minty scent. Its pinkish-lilac flowers, which bloom from July to October,
attract many species of Butterflies. Medicinally, the Water Mint was considered to have emetic, stimulant and astringent qualities.
It was closely linked to the Celtic guardians of sacred springs and streams and was used in the Middle Ages as a strewing
herb. It grows in shady, damp places and also on dry, rocky ground. Among the ancients, the scent of this herb was highly
esteemed. In herbals, mint tea is used to help the digestion, revive the appetite and alleviate rheumatism. Pepper mint and
spear mint are used as herbals to improve the appetite and digestion. Added to the bathwater, an infusion of pepper mint helps
cure skin disorders and invigorates the bather.
MISTLETOE: Protection, love,
fertility, health, exorcism
MUGWORT: A Druid Sacred herb.
Was placed in barns to protect cows from the influence of faeries. The herbs powers are strongest when picked on a Full Moon.
Gather at the Summer solstice for good luck, and rub on ritual tools to increase power. Mugwort can be used as an incense
(mixed in equal parts with Sandalwood)to aid in strengthening Psychic Powers. Try using it while scrying or before divination!!!
Mugwort can also be placed next to the bed to aid in achieving astral projection. Its other magickal uses include strength,
protection, prophetic dreams, and healing... Mugwart Strength, psychic powers, healing, astral projection
MYRRH: Myrrh is a wonderful
herb to use in spells for spirituality. Its other magickal uses include protection, healing, and exorcism. It is often combined
with Frankincense to increase its power. Burn as an incense to purify an area. Use the smoke from the incense to purify and
bless charms, amulets, talismans, magickal jewelry, tools, etc. Myrrh Spirituality, healing, protection, exorcism, transformation,
consecration. A resin used in incense. Added to skin tonics it has preservative and mild disinfectant properties.
NARCISSUS: For peace and harmony
NETTLE: On wasteland, pastures
and in hedges, nettle is found in plenty. They are a most potent herb with many qualities compensating for the strung fingers.
The nettle is widely used to treat rheumatism and poor circulation, to cure bronchitis, to reduce the risk of haemorrhages
and dispel melancholia. The nettle leaves may be boiled and then eaten like green vegetables.
WOODY NIGHTSHADE: Woody Nightshade
is a vine-like plant also known as Bittersweet, Felonwort (meaning "The Felon's Plant"), Scarlet Berry, Violet Bloom, Mad
Dog's Berries, Blue Aversion and Blue Hate. It belongs to the Solanaceae, an immense family of plants which includes Belladonna,
Hensbane, Potato, Tomato, Peppers and Tobacco. Its generic name Solanum is derived from Solor which means "I ease." The leaves
of the Woody Nightshade bear a certain resemblance to those of the Belladonna, being purple...but its berries are red instead
of black (as are those of the Belladonna). This perennial, shrubby plant with its woody base is native to Europe and Asia,
being commonly found in almost every English hedgerow. The flowers, usually bluish-purple in color, bloom all Summer in loose,
drooping clusters on short stalks. The plant was so named by the ancient herbalists in order to distinguish it from the Deadly
Nightshade. Shepherds once hung Woody Nighshade around the necks of their flocks as a charm against the "evil eye" and a necklace
of its berries was found in the tomb of Tutenkahmun, the Boy-King. Tradition dictated that if placed on the body, Woody Nightshade
would dispel the memories of old loves and former sweethearts. There are few ailments for which Woody Nighshade has not been
recommended at one time or another, including a remedy for rheumatism, fever and inflammatory diseases of every nature. To
a certain degree, its berries have proven to be poisonous to children but seem to be thoroughly enjoyed by birds with no ill
NUTMEG: Fidelity, luck, money,
health. Nutmeg oil: Analgesic, reduces nausea, anti-oxidant, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac,
settles digestion, induces or assists menstruation, prostaglandin inhibitor, stimulant, tonic, larvicidal. Nutmeg oil is very
good for arthritis, rub on joints and other aches and pains.
the Druids; very magical, especially in fertility magick. Small cones or acorns were sometimes used on the tips of wands used
by the Celts.
OAK: Oak leaves in the bath are deodorant and relaxing. They
soothe inflammation.
ONION: prevents infection,
repels bugs. An antiseptic. Wash your face with onion juice to prevent blemishes and mix it with honey to make an anti-wrinkle
ORANGE: Divination, love,
luck, money, beauty, love. Contains Vitamin C. The juice is used in skin tonics and masks. Orange Flower Water: A fragrant
water produced by distilling orange blossom. Used in creams and tonics. Orange Peel: Dry and grind some peel and use
it in masks and facial scrubs. Also used in tooth powders.
OREGANO: poultices for bites,
indigestion, promotes menstruation. Oregano leaves have a powerful, peppery flavor, used in Italian pizza and tomato dishes.
Mexican chili powders, and as a garnish. The tea is a tonic and relieves coughs, muscle spasms, nervous headaches, and menstrual
pain. The leaves are antiseptic and applied to swellings, rheumatism, and stiff necks. The flowering tops yield a reddish
dye. The essential oil is a powerful antiseptic, useful in room sprays. The leaves can be chewed for temporary releif from
toothache. All oreganos contain the chemicals carvacrol and thymol which are known for their expectorant qualities.
PARSLEY:vitamin therapy, stimulant,
laxative, cooking, purification. A widely cultivated seasoning plant, parsley has a tonic effect on the entire urinary system.
Parsley tablets are also available in the market. It purifies the breath as well. As a medicinal use, it rectifies all disorders
of bladder and kidneys and some herbalists recommend parsley for treating cancer.
PASSION FLOWER: Peace, sleep,
PATCHOULLI: Fertility, lust,
money, protection, divination
PAU D'ARCO: A good remedy
for fungus infections.
PEPPERMINT:Peppermint makes
a wonderful tea to increase your psychic ability (drink some before reading the Tarot, consulting runes, scrying, dowsing,
etc.). Drinking Peppermint tea is also useful for healing (especially stomach aches), producing visions, and helping with
sleep. The herb can also be sprinkled around your home for purification. Peppermint Love, psychic awareness, lust, mental
stimulant, energy
PIMPERNEL: This little plant
makes its home almost everywhere and generously flowers from spring to late autumn. The pimpernel has small oval-shaped leaves
and long slender stalks, each bearing a bright scarlet flowers. As a medicinal use this herb is recommended in the treatment
of eye diseases, to cure jaundice, dropsy and inflammation. The plant has cosmetic properties too. It can be applied as a
skin lotion----a standard infusion regulates and pigmentation, removes freckles and other minor blemishes. The same lotion
is believed to act as a hair restorer.
PINE: Healing, protection,
exorcism, fertility, money
PRIMROSE: The Primrose was
highly-prized by the Druids and its abundance in woods, hedgerows and pastures made it an easily-collectible plant. The Primrose
is in full flower during April and May and, in sheltered areas during mild Winters, may even be found in blossom during the
opening days of the year. Primroses were often carried by the Druids during certain rituals as a protection from evil. The
fragrant oil of the flower was also used by the Druids to annoint their bodies prior to specific rites in order that they
might be cleansed and purified. The medicinal properties of the Primrose were believed to ease muscular rheumatism, cure insomnia
and also aid in the healing of some forms of paralysis. An infusion of the flowers was recommended by some herbalists in order
to make Primrose tea. If consumed during the month May, this tea was thought to cure "phrensie" or nervous hysteria. The Primose
was once thought to fall under the jurisdiction of the Roman Goddess, Venus, and its leaves most beneficial as a fine salve
to heal wounds. In ancient culinary arts, Primrose flowers were the chief ingredient of "Primrose Pottage" and its ground
blooms were also used in a dish containing rice, almonds, honey and saffron. Its leaves are said to be consumed voraciously
by the common silkworm. Primrose For protection and love Evening Primrose: Evening Primrose is edible and medicinal
and has a long history of use as an alternative medicine. The leaves are cooked and eaten as greens and the roots are said
to be sweet succulent and delicious when boiled like potatoes. Flowers are a sweet addition to salads or as a garnish and
young seedpods are Steamed. , it is being increasingly cultivated for the oil contained in its seeds which contains certain
the essential gamma-linoleinc acid (GLA), a very valuable fatty acid that is not found in many plants and has numerous vital
functions in the body. GLA is an essential fatty acid that the body does not manufacture. This fatty acid is known to help
prevent hardening of the arteries, heart disease, eczema, cirrhosis, rheumatoid arthritis, menopause, PMS, multiple sclerosis,
and high blood pressure. It has a positive effect on sex hormone response including the hormones estrogen and testosterone,
aids in lowering cholesterol levels, and is important in treating cirrhosis of the liver. Research also demonstrates that
primrose oil helps relieve pain and inflammation. The oil also has a positive effect on the uterine muscles, nervous system
and metabolism. The bark and the leaves are astringent and sedative. They have proved of use in the treatment of gastro-intestinal
disorders, whooping cough and asthma. A tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of obesity. A finely ground powder
made from the flowering stems is used cosmetically in face-masks to counteract reddened skins.
RASPBERRY: The Raspberry grows
wild in some parts of Great Britain. It is a native of many parts of Europe. The stems are erect and shrubby, biennial, with
creeping perennial roots. It flowers in May and June. The plant is generally propagated by suckers. The fruit is utilized
for dyeing purposes.
It is an astringent and stimulant. Raspberry Leaf Tea, is used as a gargle for
sore mouths, canker of the throat, and as a wash for wounds and ulcers. The leaves make a good poultice for cleansing wounds,
burns and scalds. An infusion of Raspberry leaves is used for laxity of the bowels, and is useful in stomach complaints. Raspberry
syrup dissolves the tartar of the teeth.
ROSE: Love, beauty, psychic
powers, divination, healing, luck, protection VITAMIN e
rose buds and petals: These
are wonderful for use in spells to draw love...use red for passionate love, pink or white for romantic, or true love. You
can also place a single rose in a vase on your altar as a powerful love-drawing aid. Rose buds/petals can also be used for
psychic powers healing, protection, and luck... Rose Oil: A highly aromatic essential oil widely used in cosmetics.
Powerful tonic to circulation, digestive system, heart, liver congestion, disorders of the genital-urinary system.. Acts by
cleansing & regulating, rather than stimulating. Affinity to female reproductive system, helps in sexual problems, frigidity
& impotence. Reputed aphrodisiac. Tonic & astringent to all skin types. Least toxic of all essences.
ROSEHIPS: Rich in Vitamin
C. Use the juice in tonics. Good for blemishes.
ROSEMARY: This is a wonderful
all-purpose herb that you can't afford to be without! Rosemary can be used as a substitute for just about any herb. Its powers
include love, lust, protection, exorcism, purification, healing, longevity, youth, mental powers, and sleep...Rosemary is
a wonderful incense...smoulder a bit of it to emit powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations and to rid negativity in the
area in which it is burned (especially helpful to burn before performing any magick!) Place a bit of rosemary under your pillow
to ensure a good night's sleep. Wear rosemary to aid your memory (especially helpful when you are studying for an exam). Add
an infusion of rosemary to your bathwater to perserve youthfulness and to purify you. Carry a bit of rosemary with you to
remain healthy. Hang a sprig of rosemary above your door posts. astringent, expectorant, headaches, eczema, cooking, sleep,
protection, love, healing, masculine, fire Rosemary Mental powers, youth, protection, love, lust, purification, sleep. Rosemary
is a widely cultivated herb and a popular garden plant with its spiky dark green leaves and distinctive scent. As a medicine,
rosemary provides a valuable heart and liver tonic and also helps reduce high blood pressure. It is widely used too in the
treatment of nerves, digestive disorders and menstrual pains. In all cases a small cupful of the standard infusion should
be taken each morning on rising. Used as a lotion, this herb or its oil will cure all pains in the head. When taken with honey
it cures coughing. Rosemary is well known as a fine tonic for the scalp and skin. It adds lustre to the hair and is a common
ingredient of many commercial shampoos. It keeps the skin free from wrinkles. Boil rosemary leaves and the flowers and use
the mixture as a face wash. Do not wipe the face afterwards, but let is dry naturally. The regular washing of face with this
solution will keep you young for ever.
RUE: The ancient Celts considered
rue an antimagickal herb; it is a defense against spells and drak magic. If burned it routs negativity and gets things moving.
Rue Healing, mental powers, protection, love
SAFFRON: colds, cooking, insomnia, cancer, aphrodisiac, masculine,
SAGE: Sage is useful for protection,
healing, wealth, fulfilling wishes, and spells to increase longevity. One of my favorite uses for Sage is to powder some and
add to my homemade yellow candles. These I burn on a Wednesday during the Waxing Moon to increase knowledge and wisdom. perspiration,
antiseptic, astringent, diabetes, cooking, hair rinses, earth, masculine, purification, wisdom, wishes Sage Wisdom, animal
guides, wishes, immortality. An aromatic, sun-loving plant with grey-green leaves and mauvish flowers. It is used to treat
enough cough, colds and headaches and fevers. It is also good for the liver, bile and the whole digestive system. A standard
infusion of leaves an sprigs used as a gargle or mouth-wash cures sore throats and gums, and as a lotion heals ulcers, sores
and other skin eruptions. Sage has always been good for the brain, improving the memory and as a cure for insanity.
SANDALWOOD: Sandalwood has
many magickal uses, including protection, spirituality, exorcism, healing, and wish fulfillment. Scatter sandalwood powder
around your home to clear it of negativity. Use in healing and exorcism spells. Write a wish on a sandalwood chip and burn
in your cauldron. As it burns it sets your magick flowing. Sandalwood mixed with Lavendar makes a wonderful incense which
is intended to conjure spirits. Sandalwood Spirituality, protection, wishes, healing, exorcism
SARSPARILLA: Used for arthritis,
cancer, skin diseases, and a host of other conditions.
SASSAFRASS: Health and money
SAW PALMETTO: For prostrate
health in men.
SLIPPERY ELM: An ingredient
in some commercial cough drops.
SNOWDROP: The Snowdrop is
also known as the "Fair Maid of February," "Candlemas Bells" and "Mary's Tapers," and referred to by old botanists as the
"Bulbous Violet." Its botanical name derives from two Greek words for "milk" and "flower" and it has long been associated
with purity, being described in poetry of classical Rome from the First Century A.D. as being "brought down from heaven."
Nevertheless, it is said to be unlucky to bring the flower into the house if a member of the family is ill. The Snowdrop has
been known for centuries throughout Europe and grows best in cool, moist soil, reaching six to eight inches in height. Despite
its beauty, the Snowdrop is often seen as an omen of death. One of the legends associated with the origin of the Snowdrop
states that after her expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Eve sat weeping while an angel comforted her. Since the banishment,
no flowers had bloomed...instead, snow fell ceaselessly. As the angel spoke with Eve, he caught a snowflake in his hand, breathed
upon it and it fell to Earth as the first Snowdrop. The flower bloomed and Hope was thus born. According to German legend,
when God made all things on the Earth, he asked Snow to go to the flowers and obtain a little color from each of them. One-by-one,
the flowers refused. Extremely saddened, Snow asked a Snowdrop to give a little of its color and the Snowdrop agreed. As a
reward, Snow now allows the Snowdrop to bloom first whenever Spring arrives. Snowdrops were originally transported to Europe
from Turkey. Monks carried the bulbs from Rome to England and were the first to plant them around old monasteries. Because
of this, the Snowdrop is sometimes known as the "Church Flower." Their presence in churchyards eventually generated an unlucky
reputation for the Snowdrop. Although commonly believed to be the first wildflower of the year, the Winter Aconite is perhaps
more worthy of the title. The Snowdrop is reputed to have digestive healing properties.
ST.JOHNS WART: A Druid sacred
herb. The Celts passed it through the smoke of the summer solstice fire, then wore it into battle for invincibility. The people
of Scotland wore it as a charm against faery influence.
STRAWBERRY: Love, luck and
beauty. It possesses considerable medicinal value. For fevers and excessive perspiration, a tisane of strawberry leaves can
scarcely be bettered. The plant is also astringent and useful in dealing with diarrhea, over-copious menstruation, threatened
abortion, any risk of hemorrhage and the digestive system. Strawberry contains maximum iron contains maximum iron contents
and cures anemia. The strawberry juice can be used to treat more serious skin ailments. Teeth that have become discolored
or encrusted with tartar can be cleaned with strawberry juice.
TARRAGON: relieves flatulence,
perfumes, stimulate appetite, cooking, dragons. An aromatic herb with a strong fresh smell. Used in skin tonics and lotions.
THISTLE HOLY: A Druid sacred
herb. Primarily for protection and strength.
THYME: A Druid sacred herb.
Repels negativity and depression. Thyme grows wild or dry banks an heaths. It has woody stems, covered in fine hair and flattish
round leaves and growing in pairs. Heavily scented flowers are borne in whorls. The medicinal uses of thyme derive firstly
from its cleansing properties. A poultice can be made from leaves to combat all forms of inflammation and infection. Thyme
is a good digestive and used as a liver tonic. It cures a wide range of psychological disorders, headaches, hysteria, halitosis
and assorted female Used for ailments.antiseptic, intestinal disorders, relieves asthma, inflammation, cooking, courage, healing,
health, love, Psychic Ability, sleep, feminine, water A Druid sacred herb. Repels negativity and depression.
TOMATO: A slightly acidic
vegetable, containing potassium and Vitamin C. Use it on blackheads, open pores and greasy skin.
TREFOIL: Also known as shamrock,
or searaog. A Druid sacred herb, which symbolizes all triple deities. Always leave something in payment when you take trefoil,
because it is a favorite herb of the Little People and faeries. A pinch of Ginger or a little milk poured onto the ground
are acceptable gifts.
TRIPHALA: bowel cleanser:
A digestive aid compound with Chebulic Myrobalan (Haritaki), Indian Gooseberry (Amalaki) and Belliric Myrobalan (vibhitaki)
that regularises the digestive system. Regular use promotes good colon health, stimulates intestinal walls, provides overall
support for the digestive function and ensures that the digestive tract works at the optimal level.
VALERIAN: (Tagara) The
Valerian is also known as the common or garden Heliotrope and often referred to in modern times as an "herbal valium." Its
other aliases include "Phew" (due to its rather offensive odor), "All-Heal," "Stink Root" and "Capon's Tail." Its name derives
from the Latin valere which means "to be well." Extracts from the root system of the Valerian have been used for centuries
in order to help people relax and get to sleep. Traditionally, extracts from the root have been used as a sedative to aid
in the relief of insomnia, anxiety and some types of pain and nervous conditions. It has an opposite effect on felines (and
rats), causing drunk or wild behavior similar to the effects of Catnip. Valerian thrives best in wet soil and may be found
growing along marshy thickets, ditches or streams. It is a hardy perennial, sometimes reaching as high as five feet, with
a single stem which is covered with hairs. The flower clusters (which range in color from white to pale pink, blue or lavender)
bloom in umbrella-like formation from June to September and the medicinal root is best harvested in the Fall. According to
early German folklore, the Pied Piper of Hamlin charmed both rats and children with the hypnotic Valerian root in addition
to his entrancing music. In the Middle Ages, Valerian root was used as a spice and even as a perfume, in addition to being
a medicine, and during the Second World War, shell-shock and "bombing neurosis" were treated with Valerian. It has mild sedative
properties which are useful in insomnia and sleep disorders. Tagara is also a good remedy for hysteria, nervous unrest and
emotional troubles.
VANILLA: Magickal powers,
mental powers, love, lust, rejuvenation
sacred herb, common in many druididic rites and incantations. Offerings of this herb were placed on altars. It is also known
as "Enchanter's Plant," "Herb of the Cross," "Juno's Tears," "Dragon's Claw," "Columbine" and "Pigeonweed," among others.
Its name is derived from the Celtic ferfaen, meaning "to drive away a stone." Ancient priests used Vervain in sacrificial
rites and it was also used extensively by Druid magicians and sorcerers. Vervain is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean
region with a woody stalk and several stiffly-erect stems. It flourishes best in waysides and waste areas. Its flowers come
in a variety of colors...white, pink, purple, scarlet, blue and lavender...and grow in slender spikes, blooming from June
to October. The European Vervain was sacred to the Greeks and Romans, as well as to the Druids. It is associated in Christian
tradition with the Crucifixion, being believed to have staunched the blood of Jesus Christ while on the cross and is said
to have first been found on the Mount of Calvary. Because of this association, it was thought to have been an effective charm
against incubi, demons and evil spells. Its bright flowers were once belived to be an indication that the plant could cure
eye problems. The Vervain was formerly used for many medicinal an astringent and well as being
employed for relief of whooping cough, dropsy, jaundice and problems associated with the kidneys and the liver. An infusion
or decoction was said to help heal wounds and it was once thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac which could secure the favor
of ladies. Until relatively recently, it was hung around the necks of children to avert infection. Vervain Love, protection,
purification, peace, money, youth, healing
wonderful for using in amulets for good luck and fortune. They also work well in spells for lust and passion -- they are powerful
love stimulants and also arouse lust...try mixing them with Lavendar Flowers for a potent combination. They are also useful
in spells for protection, wishes, peace, and healing... Violet Animal guide work, wishes, peace, love, luck, lust, protection
WHITE WILLOW: The Herbal Aspirin.
WITCH HAZEL: Also known as
Spotted Alder. Winterbloom. Snapping Hazelnut. The name was adopted from a Greek word to indicate its resemblance to an apple-tree.
This shrub consists of several crooked branching trunks from one root. It has a smooth grey bark. It has leaves 3 to 5 inches
long and about 3 inches wide, with raised spots underneath. The leaves drop off in autumn, then the yellow flowers appear,
very late in September and in October, followed by black nuts, containing white seeds which are oily and edible. The twigs
are flexible, rough and a yellowish-brown to purple, with the wood being greeny white.
The leaves and bark are used as an astringent, tonic, sedative, for internal and
external hemorrhage, the treatment of piles, is useful for bruises and inflammatory swellings, diarrhoea, dysentery and mucous
discharges. It has long been used as poultices for painful swellings and tumours. The decoction has been utilized for menorrhagia
and for symptoms resulting form miscarriage. A tea made of the leaves or bark is good for bleeding of the stomach, the bowels,
and bleeding piles when used as an enema. The fresh leaves and young twigs are beneficial for bleeding from the lungs and
nose, as well as from other internal organs, and varicose veins. Witch Hazel applied to a burst varicose vein will stop the
bleeding and often save life by its instant application. It is also used for burns, scalds, and inflammatory conditions of
the skin, and for insect and mosquito bites. Diluted with warm water, the extract is used for inflammation of the eyelids.
WOOD ANENOME: A member of
the Buttercup family. This flower is sometimes referred to as the "Woodland Ghost" because it can often be found on sites
which were once covered by ancient woodlands. Blooms usually first appear in March, preferring wooded areas and meadows and
it is said that the Wood Anemone never blossoms earlier than March 16 and never later than April 22. The Egyptians held the
Anemone as the emblem of sickness and to the Chinese, it was the "Flower of Death." According to one Greek legend, Anemos
(the Wind) sent his namesakes, the Anemones, in the earliest Spring days as the heralds of his coming...yet another states
that the blooms sprang from the tears of Aphrodite as she wandered the woodlands weeping for the death of Adonis. In Palestine,
the Anemone was thought to have grown beneath the cross of Jesus and for many years, the flower was believed to carry diseases.
In Europe it was once customary to hold one's breath while travelling through a field of Anemones, the belief being that even
the air which surrounded them would be poisonous. In ancient times, herbalists would recommend application of various parts
of the Anemone for headache, agues and rheumatic gout.
WOODRUFF: A Druid sacred herb
which acquires its scent after drying.
WOOD SORREL: A small perennial
plant with heart-shaped, three-part leaves (akin to those of the Shamrock or Clover) which often fold together. Thus, it is
sometimes called the "prayer plant" and may be the "true Shamrock" by which Saint Patrick demonstrated the Trinity to the
Ancient Irish. The white flowers are bell-shaped with a dash of blue. Despite its name, the plant is not related to Sorrel
but is closely related to the Geranium family. Wood Sorrel grows in moist, shady spots within woodland areas or beside hedges,
and flowers from mid to late Spring. Its medicinal qualities include strengthening a weak stomach, staying vomiting and reduction
of fever. The juice of the plant may be used as a gargle for mouth ulcers and infusion of the leaves (somewhat sour in taste)
used to make a lotion which is beneficial for relief of skin infections. Excessive or prolonged administration of Wood Sorrel
as a medication, however, is not recommended and can be injurious if prescribed injudiciously. During the time of King Henry
VIII, the Wood Sorrel was held in great repute as a pot-herb and salad green. Its name probably derived from the Old French
surele and earlier from sur, which means "sour."
WORMWOOD: An accumulative
poison! A Druid sacred herb which was very magickal as well as sacred to Moon deities. Burn on Samhain to aid evocation, divination,
scrying and prophecy. Combine with Mugwort for added effect. Wormwood Psychic powers, calling spirits, protection, love
YARROW: works to draw courage
and to purify (exorcism). Drink as a tea to increase your psychic powers. Wear a sprig of yarrow for protection. Hold some
in your hands when you are afraid. This will stop all fear and give you courage. Carry some with you to draw love and to attract
friends. Yarrow Flowers Courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism : A familiar plant that grows in fields and along the side
of country lanes, Yarrow has greyish, feathery, ethereal-looking leaves and small daisy-like flowers. Yarrow has been used
since antiquity for headaches, fevers and influenza. It also cures diarrhea, palpitation and excessive menstruation. Yarrow
Tea is a good remedy for severe colds, being most useful in the commencement of fevers, and in cases of obstructed perspiration.
The infusion is made with 1 OZ. of dried herb to 1 pint of boiling water, drunk warm, in wineglassful doses. It may be sweetened
with sugar, honey or treacle, adding a little Cayenne Pepper, and to each dose a teaspoonful of Composition Essence. It opens
the pores freely and purifies the blood, and is recommended in the early stages of children's colds, and in measles and other
eruptive diseases. A decoction of the whole plant is employed for bleeding piles, and is good for kidney disorders. It has
the reputation also of being a preventative of baldness, if the head be washed with it.