ACACIA: Protection, psychic powers
purgative action of buckthorn is said to be similar to that of rhubarb. It works without irritating the system and can be
used for all conditions causing or associated with constipation, including liver and gallbladder problems. It produces no
constipative backlash after purgation as some other remedies do, neither does it become less effective with repeated use.
With medical approval, a mixture of equal parts buckthorn, senna leaves, milfoil, and witch-grass root may be used during
this time. Buckthorn tea is also said to be good for lead colic, obesity, dropsy, and hemorrhoids.
ALFALFA (Medicago sativa): Alfalfa
has been used to treat kidney stones, and to relieve fluid retention and swelling. It is a perennial herb that grows throughout
the world in a variety of climates. Alfalfa grows to about 3 feet and has blue- violet flowers that bloom from July to September.
Because alfalfa is deep-rooted, it picks up the trace minerals in the soil. The leaves of this remarkable legume contain eight
essential amino acids. Alfalfa is a good laxative and a natural diuretic. It is useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections,
and kidney, bladder and prostrate disorders. Alkalizes and detoxifies the body, especially the liver. Promotes pituitary gland
function and contains an anti-fungus agent. This versatile herb is also a folk remedy for arthritis, blood thinner, kidney
cleanser, energy enhancement, diabetes, asthma, hay fever, and is reputed to be an excellent appetite stimulant and overall
tonic. Excellent source of nutritive properties with minerals, chlorophyll and vitamins. It is a wonderful supplement for
breastfeeding mothers to enrich their milk with nutrients. Alfalfa is high in chlorophyll and nutrients. Treating with alfalfa
preparations is generally without side effects, however the seeds contain a slightly toxic amino acid L-canavanine.
ALOE: This versatile herb
has been used for over 5,500 years. Is used for burns, bug bites and soothing of any skin problem such as eczema, rashes,
and dryness.
ALLSPICE: Money, luck, healing
ALMOND: Money, prosperity,
AMALAKI(amla): an anti-oxidant:
The richest natural source of Vitamin C, Amalaki is useful intreating cough, cold, sore throat and respiratory tract infections.
It protects cells from free-radical damage.
ANGELICA ROOT: Used for protection
and exorcism and to cause visions. It is a large aromatic plant growing in gardens. Angelica has downy, triangular leaves,
hollow stalk branches and white or pale-purple flowers. Angelica is a herb for digestion bringing swift relief from flatulence,
colic and heart-burn. An infusion should be made from the leaves and chopped stem. It may be used as gargle for the treatment
of sore tonsils and throat. The plant is also used to flavor many alcoholic drinks.
ANISE: Protection, purification,
APPLE BLOSSOM: For love and
APRICOT SEED: Apricot seed
is one of the finest herbs for acute cough and bronchitis. It can be used for either hot or cold conditions when combined
with the appropriate herbs and is especially good for dry coughs because of its moistening nature. The herb is believed to
moisten the intestines; hence, it is useful in those cases when there is constipation associated with the aforementioned conditions.
BALM OF GILEAD: Attract new
love, mend broken heart, protection, healing
BASIL: (Tulsi): digestional
complaints, love, headaches. An aromatic herb that tends to favour sunny banks. Its white flowers grow in whorls and leaves
are oval-shaped and shiny. The scent of basil is conducive to meditation. Medicinally, basil is a potent tonic whose effect
is both stimulant and nerving. It is particularly good at arresting morning and travel sickness. To take this herb, prepare
a standard infusion from the leaves.
BAYBERRY: Money, good luck,
peace, harmony, well-being
BETONY: A Druid sacred herb.
This was a magical herb used to expel the power of evil spirits, nightmares, and despair. It was burned at Summer Solstice
for purification and protection. This purple-flowered plant frequents wood-lands and dense hedges, where it always craves
for the shade. It is a fine natural painkiller, especially good for headaches and neuralgia. It purifies the blood and is
prescribed in cases of acne.
BILBERRY: A circulatory enhancer
and diabetic aid.
BLESSED THISTLE: For purification
and protection from evil, used in hex-breaking spells
BORAGE: Its brilliant blue
flowers are the distinctive feature of the woodland and pasture plants. It grows to a height of almost two feet and both leaves
and stem are covered with whitish bristles. Borage has a beneficial effect on the heart, kidneys, adrenal glands and the entire
digestive system. It is famous as a curer of jaundice. In all cases a cupful of the infused herb should be drunk at night
and morning. This herb increases the milk flow in nursing mothers. Borage juice obtained from the crushed plant and applied
direct to the skin will cure ring worm.
BLACKBERRY: Berries are not
only delicious but good for anemia as well. The leaves are mildly aperients and accredited with sound tonic virtues. A standard
infusion is made, which can also be applied externally as a lotion to cure psoriasis and scaly conditions of the skin. The
berries are extraordinary rich in Vitamin C.
BROOM: The Broom is also known
as Scotch or Irish Broom. A Druid sacred tree. Burned at the Spring Equinox, it purified and protected. The flower of the
Alder is the Broom...a member of the order of Leguminosae, or pod-bearing tribe. Its long, slender, erect and tough branches
were often used in the making of brooms...hence its English name. As a medicinal aid, the Broom (under the name "Genista")
is mentioned in the earliest printed herbals, especially of benefit in bladder and kidney afflictions. The bark of the Broom
also yields an excellent and fine fiber, which has been employed since ancient times in the manufacture of paper and cloth,
while the twigs and branches of this plant have often been used for thatching cottages and cornricks. As a heraldic device,
the Broom was adopted as the Badge of Brittany and Geoffrey of Anjou thrust it into his helmet at the moment of entering battle
in order that his troops might see and follow him. Legend states that the Broom was cursed by the Virgin as she and Joseph
fled into Egypt due to the cracking of its ripe pods, which they touched in passing and which risked drawing the attention
of Herod's soldiers to the fugitives.
BUCKEYE: Attracts money and
wealth, and can be used to help alleviate the pain of arthritis and rheumatism when held in the hand. Also useful to have
near when performing any act of divination. Buckeye Carry to attract money and to ward off aches and pains
CAMPHOR: To awaken past life memories, stimulates psychic awareness.
A white crystalline substance used as an antiseptic. It is healing and soothing when used on spots. Use either camphor cake
or camphor spirit, but be sure to ask for camphor BP. Camphor Oil: Stimulating and rubefacient. When applied, it warms
and relieves aching muscles. Used in massage creams.
CARROTS(Gajar): Rich in Vitamin
A. Use the pulp in a cleansing mask. Carrot oil is used in nourishing eye creams and the juice in face masks. Betacarotene
which is found in carrots is a valuable antioxidant, which again takes the strain off the immune system. Five or more servings
a week will help prevent strokes by 69%.
CAPSICUM: It contains a resinous
and pungent substance known as capsaicin. This chemical relieves pain and itching by acting on sensory nerves. Capsaicin temporarily
stimulates release of various neurotransmitters from these nerves, leading to their depletion. Without the neurotransmitters,
pain signals can no longer be sent. The effect is temporary. Capsaicin and other constituents in cayenne have been shown to
have several other actions, including reducing platelet stickiness and acting as antioxidants.
CARDOMON: Cardamon seeds are
useful for flatulence, but they are usually used as adjuvants with other remedies. They are also used as a spice in cooking
and as a flavoring in other medicines. The seeds and pods contain a volatile oil which is used in perfumes and as a stimulant.
The aphrodisiac properties of cardamom are extolled in Arabian Nights- the people in Middle East still believe that cardamom
possesses such properties. Cardamom is a stimulant, it cools the body in extreme heat and it aids digestion. Remedy for Celiac
Disease: Chinese use powdered cardamom sprinkled on cooked cereal to correct celiac disease (intolerance for the gluten commonly
occurring in children, marked by frequent diarrhea and continual digestive problems.)
CARNATION: Protection, strength,
healing, vitality
CATNIP: A Druid sacred herb.
Chewed by warriors for fierceness in battle. Catnip is ruled by the planet Venus, and is therefore useful in love, beauty,
and happiness. You can make a pink sachet and fill it with Catnip to wear or carry to draw love to you. Another fun use for
catnip is to grow some in your home. this will draw positive vibrations and good luck to you and to your house. Catnip Creates
a psychic bond with cats, attracts good spirits, love and luck
CAYENNE PEPPER: asthma, toothaches,
disinfectant, raises metabolism.
CEDAR CHIPS: Useful in healing,
purification, protection, and money-drawing. Burn cedar chips on a charcoal disc to purify an area...burning cedar chips is
also useful for inducing and strengthening psychic powers. You can keep a little green sachet filled with cedar chips in your
purse or wallet to draw money. Cedar Healing, courage, purification, protection, money, hex-breaking
CELANADINE: It is found in
hedgerows and wastes. Celandine has hairy leaves shaped like oak leaves, yellowish in colour with small yellow flowers. As
a wart cure the raw yellow juice should be applied direct to the skin. Some herbals prescribe an eye lotion made from one
part of this infused herb and two parts of water or milk.
CHAMOMILE: Chamomile is useful
for luck and gambling as well. Make a green amulet and fill with Chamomile Flowers to carry as a good-luck amulet. anxiety,
insomnia, colds, hair rinses, skin disorders, tea, water, masculine, love, money, wealth, purification, sleep, Chamomile For
sleep and meditation, and to attract money. It is found in many waste places. Chamomile is a very familiar weed having daisy-like
flowers and feathery grey-green leaves. The whole plant has a distinctive smell similar to over-ripe apples. An infusion of
leaves and flowers of this plant, fresh or dried, has a wide variety of cosmetic and medicinal uses. Chamomile dissolves tumours,
heals, ulcers, expels worms, banishes, tiredness, treats many female disorders. As a cosmetic, the herb can be used as a face-wash
to clarify complexion, as a rinse to lighten fair hair. Chamomile tea is a tonic, digestive and tranquillizing. It is sweetened
with honey.
CHASTEBERRY: Also known as
Agnus Castus and Vitex, this herb can handle PMS!
CHERRY: Divination, love
CHICKWEED: Chickweed contains
relatively high amounts of vitamins and flavonoids, which may explain some of its effect. Although some older information
suggests a possible benefit for chickweed in rheumatic conditions, this has not been validated in clinical practice. Use for
insect stings, bites, excema and other skin problems.
CHITRA: This Ayurvedic herb
is found throughout India.small doses stimulate the central nervous system, externally used as paste it opens abscesses and
used for skin diseases and ulcers; indigestion, hemorrhoids, anasarca, diarrhea, gas, rheumatism, and all joint pains, promotes
sweating. Tincture of root bark- intermittent fevers.
CHIVES: Stimulates digestion
and promote appetite, sprinkle chives on food. Take as a mild laxative. Reduces high blood pressure.
CINNAMON: Cinnamon is a wonderful
herb to either burn as an incense or make into a sachet. Fill a green or gold sachet with Cinnamon to draw money and success
or to use as a healing charm. A purple sachet can be used to increase your magickal and/or psychic powers. A pink or red sachet
of Cinnamon can be worn, carried with you, or placed under your bed to draw love or to promote lust. Use a white sachet filled
with Cinnamon to increase your spirituality and to confer protection. astringent, stimulant, stomach upsets, immune system,
aromatherapy, success, spirituality, psychic ability, money, wealth, love, healing, dreams, masculine, fire Cinnamon Lust,
love, success, power, psychic awareness, healing, protection
CLEAVERS: Dense, tangled masses
of cleavers can be seen clinging to surrounding vegetation in most of our hedgerows. The plant has tiny white flowers, but
more familiar are the small round fruits which bristle with stiff hair. Using the plant as a vegetable has a slimming effect
on the body. Cleavers seed is one of the best coffee substitutes, it merely needs to be dried and lightly roasted and has
much the same flavor as coffee. Cleavers has a long history of use as an alternative medicine and is still used widely by
modern herbalists. Cleavers are an excellent remedy for many diseases of the urinary system. An infusion of this herb, used
as a lotion, makes a first-rate tonic for the scalp and the skin. It clears dandruff, cures, leprosy and skin cancer. A powerful
restorative for the lymphatic system.
CLOVES: (Laung): Their
magickal properties include banishing evil, clearing your head, protection, love, and money. Burn cloves as an incense to
draw wealth and prosperity, drive away hostile and negative forces, produce positive spiritual vibrations, and purify the
area in which they are burned. Wear or carry cloves to draw members of the opposite sex to you. Using cloves in your magickal
spells is said to ensure that your magickal intention is realized. anesthetic, disinfectant, cooking, love, friendship, fire,
masculine, divination, love, money, wealth.
CLOVER: Protection, money,
love, fidelity, success, exorcism
CLUB MOSS: A Druid sacred
herb. Among the Celts, only a priest or priestess could gather club moss. The plants and spores were collected in July and
August for use in blessings and protection.
COCOA BUTTER: Solidified waxy
oil from the roasted cocoa bean, used as a lubricant in massage creams. It is good for dry skin.
COFFEE: stimulant, diuretic,
asthma, headaches, poison,
COLTSFOOT: The Coltsfoot is
also known as Hallfoot, Horsehoof, Foalsworth, Ass' Foot and Coughwort, among others. This plant, a member of the Birthwort
family, is a perennial weed, native to Europe, North African and parts of Asia. It bears deep green leaves (resembling the
shape of a horse's hoof) and leaf stems which are distinctly purple in color. The top leaf surface is smooth and almost waxy
in appearance, while the underside is covered with white, wool-like hairs. The bright yellow flowers (similar to Dandelions
but slightly smaller) appear early in the Spring, prior to the emergence of any leaves. This plant is unusual in that the
flowers bloom and die before the appareance of any leaves, which earned Coltsfoot the name of "son before the father" in earlier
times. It can be seen in abundance throughout England, particularly along the sides of railway banks and in wasteland areas
and can grow in stiff soils, thriving equally as well in wet ground as in dry locations. Before the introduction of matches,
the felt-like covering of the plant, wrapped in a rag and dipped in a solution of saltpetre, was considered to be an excellent
tinder after being dried in the sun. The name of the Coltsfoot is derived from Farfarus, an ancient name of the White Poplar,
the leaves of which bear some resemblance in form and color to those of the plant. The tufts of silky hairs which adorn the
seeds of the Coltsfoot are often used by Goldfinches to line their nests and legend states that in former days, this material
was often employed by the Highlanders to stuff mattresses and pillows. In gardens and pastures, the Coltsfoot is considered
a troublesome weed, very difficult to extirpate. In a medicinal sense, the Coltsfoot has been used in cough remedies and as
an aid in the relief of asthma and bronchitis. Indeed, its botanical name, Tussilago, means "cough dispeller." The herb is
now restricted in Australia and New Zealand due to its alkaloid content which has been shown to cause liver damage in laboratory
rats. In Paris, Coltsfoot flowers were once painted as signs on the doorposts of apothecaries' shops and it is a favored food
of Guinea Pigs. Coltsfoot Draws peace and tranquility, promotes visions, also used in spells involving animals
COMFREY: For safety during
travel and to draw money. A plant that likes moisture, comfrey flourishes in ditches and other damp places. Its bell-shaped
flowers are pinkish blue and hang in clusters. Comfrey is known to the crusaders as a wound herb and for repairing broken
bones and battered bodies. For eye injuries prepare a cold compress.
CORNFLOWER: The plant has
been used for centuries to ward off a plethora of ailments, mostly related to the eyes and eyesight.It is also fairly well-known
by herbalists as a remedy for conjunctivitis, eye swelling, puffiness, and pain related to the eye area. To use for cuts and
scrapes, simply rub the cut end of a Cornflower stem on the affected area.For use as an eyewash, prepare as you would a tea,
then soak a washcloth and use as an eye compress. For facial skin eruptions, acne,or otherirritations, the leaves and flowers
can be used as a steam facial - boil the leaves and flowers, then cover the head with a towel and sit over the steaming container.After
15 minutes or so, rinse the face with cool water, and feel the difference!
CRANBERRY: Useful as a preventative
for urinary tract infections.
CYPRESS: For comfort and solace,
to ease feelings of loss
DANDELION: The Dandelion is also known as "Priest's Crown" and
"Swine's Snout." The Dandelion does not grow in the Southern Hemisphere, but is found in all parts of the North Temperate pastures, meadows and on waste ground. Farmers consider it to be a troublesome weed, given its prolifically dispersing
seeds. The flowers of the Dandelion are a bright golden-yellow and its leaves are shiny and hairless, each cut into great
jagged teeth which resemble the canine teeth of a lion, thus giving this plant its familiar name...a corruption of the French
Dent de Lion. The Dandelion holds an important place among the honey-producing plants, furnishing a plentiful quantity of
both pollen and nectar in the early Spring. With the withering of the petals, the seeds, crowned with their tufts of hair,
appear and are soon mature enough to be blown from the stalk by the slightest breeze. This is the "Dandelion Clock" long loved
by children, who will blow upon it until all the seeds are released...telling the time of day by the number of puffs necessary
to disperse every seed. Small birds are extremely fond of Dandelion seeds and Pigs will devour the entire plant with much
gluttony. Goats will also eat the Dandelion, but it does not appear to be palatable to either Sheep or Cattle. Horses also
refuse to touch the plant but it is a valuable food for Rabbits and makes an excellent meal for this furry creature during
Spring and particularly during breeding seasons. The young leaves were once consumed by the French in Spring salads and may
still feature in salad dishes and sandwiches today in some parts of the Continent. Full-grown leaves, however, are far too
bitter to be eaten. Dried Dandelion leaves are often employed as an ingredient in many digestive or diet drinks and herb beers...Dandelion
Stout being a particular favorite among the workers in the industrial towns of the Midlands Area in England. Dandelion coffee
is said to help keep the liver, kidneys and bowels in healthy working order. It cures pimples and skin spots.The first mention
of the Dandelion in a medicinal sense was during the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries when it was employed by Arabian physicians.
Since it is a non-poisonous plant, rather large doses of its preparations may be taken with no ill effects.
DAISY: The Daisy blooms from
the earliest days of Spring until late in the Autumn and covers the ground with its flat leaves so closely that nothing can
grow beneath them. It is said that the Daisy awakens with the Sun and sleeps with the Moon. As a symbol of innocence and fidelity,
some authorities claim that the lineage of the Daisy may be traced to "Belenos," a Celtic God of Light and a Solar deity.
Others maintain that the name is derived from the Latin bellus (meaning "pretty" or "charming") while yet others believe its
name is taken from a dryad named "Belidis." The healing powers of the Daisy were often employed by the Druids, particularly
on the battlefield. Under such circumstances, those who could counteract the debilitating shock of injuries accompanied by
the immense loss of blood, were considered to be great wound-healers. Knights of old would wear a chain of Daisies on their
persons to protect them in battle. If such a knight wore a double band, then he was recognized as being betrothed. Worn as
a charm, the Daisy was said to protect the wearer and afford a cure for ulcers and warts. The Daisy grows profusely over wide
areas throughout the world and is an evergreen plant of hardiness which complements the durability of the Birch. There is
an old English proverb which states that Spring has not arrived until one's foot can be set upon twelve Daisies. To dream
of Daises in the Spring or Summer is associated with good luck, but the same dream in the Autumn or Winter is considered to
be bad luck. The tears of Mary Magdalene, as they fell upon the ground, are said to have created the first Daisies and, according
to Celtic legend, the spirits of infants who had died in childbirth scattered Daisies on the Earth to cheer their sorrowing
DILL: induce sleep, reduce
flatulence, combat negative spells, protection, money, wealth, masculine, fire. Improves digestion, eases colic, prevents
infectious diarrhea in children. Traditional herbalists also recommended dill for prevention of flatulence, and perhaps there
was something to this. The herb has anti-foaming action, suggesting that it might help break up gas bubbles.
DRAGONS BLOOD: Dragon's Blood
has several origins, the best known being from Sumatra. Daemomorops Draco has flowers along the branches instead of their
being gathered into catkins. The long, slender stems are flexible, and the older trees develop climbing abilities. The leaves
have prickly stalks which often grow into long tails and the bark is provided with many hundreds of flattened spines. The
berries are about the size of a cherry, and pointed. When ripe they are covered with a reddish, resinous substance. It is
usually sold as beads, a necklace, covered with leaves (Tear Dragon's Blood), or in small, round sticks packed in leaves and
strips of cane. Other varieties are found in irregular lumps, or in a reddish powder. They are known as lump, stick, reed,
tear, or saucer Dragon's Blood.
It is used as a colouring matter for varnishes, tooth-pastes, tinctures, plasters,
and for dyeing horn to imitate tortoiseshell.. It is very brittle, is bright red and glossy inside, and darker red sometimes
powdered with crimson, externally. Small, thin pieces are transparent. Dragon's Blood Power amplifier, protection, love, banishing,
the immune system. Try it instead of a flu shot!
ELDER: All parts of the tree
are used. Its leaves combined with honey in a standard infusion clears troubled skin. The infused flowers offer a remedy for
catarrh, coughs and colds. It soothes all burns and scalds. A balm of elder flowers is said to keep crow's feet at bay.
EUCALYPTUS: This is the best
herb I know of for healing, and can be used for protection as well. Carry some of the leaves with you for protection. To relieve
a cold or other respiratory infection, ring green candles with the leaves and pods and visualize yourself as healed. Allow
the candles to burn down completely. Eucalyptus Healing, protection
EYEBRIGHT: A Druid sacred
herb that promotes clairvoyance. It is a tiny meadow herb whose white flowers are edged with mauve and yellow. The leaves
are oval shaped and slightly downy. This herb is used to treat ophthalmic complaints. Eyebright is often prescribed where
the vision has deteriorated. A good eyebright lotion can be made by adding one teaspoonful of tincture to a half cup of slightly
saline water that has first been boiled and allowed to cool. The eyes are then washed three times daily.
FENNEL: helps with dieting,
and aids digestion, masculine, healing, protection. It is a herb which has a cleansing effect on the skin. When steaming the
face use it in the water. Good for slimming.
FERNS: The Druids classified
ferns as sacred trees. Uncurled fronds of the male fern were gathered at Midsummer, dried and carried for good luck. All ferns
are powerful protective plants and faeries are especially attracted to them.
FEVERFEW: Helps reduce the
frequency and severity of migraines.
FIVE FINGER GRASS(cinquefoil): Protection,
prophetic dreams, wisdom, and success in court cases
FOXGLOVE: This is a Poisonous
plant! A Druid sacred herb, associated with the Little People and Otherworld beings.
cute little beads to drive out negativity and enhance positive vibrations. You can crush them and use them as an incense on
a charcoal disc. Frankincense incense induces visions and is useful as an aid to meditation. You can also make a little white
or purple sachet of Frankincense and carry it with you to aid in your spiritual growth. A sachet of Frankincense Tears can
also be used as a protective amulet. Frankincense Spirituality, protection, exorcism, consecration
GALANGAL: For courage, strength,
and for avoiding legal problems
GARDENIA: Love, peace, healing,
GARLIC: repels biting bugs,
aids digestion, raises digestion, high blood pressure,
Breathing problems, cooking, infections parasites, athlete's foot. As antiseptic
and drawing properties. It's primary benefit is in the reduction of heart disease. Garlic reportedly reduces the risk of cancer,
lowers blood pressure, reduces total cholesterol and raises HDL (the desirable component of cholesterol), helps fight bacterial,
viral and fungal infections, and reduces the tendency of blood to form clots. The main "ingredient" in garlic is allicin.
It is responsible for the "garlic odor" as well as the plant's reported therapeutic effects. Allicin is present in garlic
extract, dried garlic and in the fresh plant, so using any form provides the same benefit.
GERANIUM: For fertility, health
and love
GINGER: cooking, stomach disorders,
reduces flatulence, motion sickness, stimulant, love, masculine, fire. Ginger, the underground stem, or rhizome, of the plant
Zingiber officinale has been used as a medicine in Asian, Indian, and Arabic herbal traditions since ancient times. In China,
for example, ginger has been used to aid digestion and treat stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea for more than 2,000 years.
Ginger has also been used to help treat arthritis, colic, diarrhea, and heart conditions.Ginger Success, power, money, love
GOLDENSEAL: keep it in your
herbal medicine chest.
HAWTHORN(Cratagus oxyacantha):Hawthorn has a long reputation
in both folk medicine and clinical medicine as a heart tonic. In Europe, hawthorn berry preparations are widely used by physicians
in heart conditions, such as mild forms of angina. Hawthorn is safe to use for extended periods of time, according to European
HEATHER: A Druid sacred herb.
Associated with Summer Solstice.
HELIOTROPE: To attract money
and gain power
HEMLOCK: To induce astral
projection, to purify magickal knives or swords
HIBISCUS: For love, lust,
HIGH JOHN: This is an extremely
potent herb, probably due to its affinity with the planet Mars. High John is useful in spells for winning and success, psychic
powers, protection, love, and "making things happen. Annoint a root with Peppermint Oil and tie up in a green sachet. Carry
this with you to attract prosperity, wealth, and success. You can also carry a yellow sachet to stop depression, or pink to
HONEYSUCKLE: Money drawing,
psychic awareness, memory, healing, power,honesty
HOPS: A Druid sacred herb
used for sleep and healing. Hops Healing, sleep
HORSERADISH: antibiotic, sports
cream, diuretic, cooking
HYACINTH: For love and protection
HYSSOP: Purification, protection
IRISH MOSS: This herb is great
to use in spells for money, luck, and protection. You can carry some with you or place some in your home to increase your
luck and to ensure a steady flow of money into your house or pocket. Some place it under the rugs in their house for these
purposes. Carry a little amulet filled with Irish Moss with you while travelling, for protection.
JASMINE: Love, prophetic dreams,
money, sleep, love, healing, health, meditation
for use in love spells. Lavendar has long been known to be a particularly attractive scent to men...Lavendar Flowers can be
sprinkled around the house to bring peacefulness, and can also be burned as an incense to help you sleep. Lavendar has also
been used for protection, chastity, longevity, purification, and happiness. Lavender Chastity, love, peace, happiness, clairvoyance,
longevity, sleep, protection. It has a pleasant fragrance. Lavender has been much cultivated since very early times and used
for scenting bath water. Long used as a nerve tonic, cough cure and anti-paralytic, lavender is also renowned when used as
a gargle or mouthwash. The essential oil of lavender, on external application, soothes headaches, reduces inflammation and
calms angry joints and muscles.
LEMON: Longevity, purification,
love, friendship. Rich in Vitamin C. It is acidic, astringent and bleaching. Used in skin tonics and creams. Lemon is useful
as a water purifier- it adds a lovely citrus flavor while killing any bacteria. Lemon also assists the lymphatic and digestive
systems- making it helpful in an anti-cellulite regime. Lemon peel:Contains an essential aromatic oil and a small quantity
of natural anti-oxidants. Good for face masks. The British Pharmacopoeia (1988) also lists lemon peel as an aromatic for use
as an aroma and flavour enhancer. The (bio-)flavonoids of the drug are reported to reduce the permeability of blood vessels,
especially of capillaries, so that extracts from lemon peel are also included in remedies for phlebitis and many vitamin and
mineral supplements. New studies on a monoterpene found in lemon peel called limonene show that it very effectively prevents
individuals from developing abnormal growths on their skin. Lemon balm: Lemon Balm is edible and medicinal. Fresh leaves
can be added to salad or used in egg dishes and can be used to make sauces for fish, poultry and pork. Dried or fresh the
whole plant is used to make cool refreshing drinks or warm relaxing teas. Used in alternative medicine the leaves and young
flowering shoots are antibacterial, antispasmodic, antiviral, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge,
sedative, and tonic. Balm contains a volatile oil citral and citronella which is strongly antispasmodic and aids in calming
nerves, relieving menstrual cramps, insomnia, depression, hyperthyroidism, upset stomach, and colic in babies. Leaf tea is
good for fevers, colds, and headache. Fresh crushed leaves are applied to wounds and insect bites. The essential oils in the
fresh plant, particularly citronella make it a most effective insect repellent when crushed and rubbed on skin or clothes.
A herb good for cleaning the skin. it can help significantly in the treatment of cold sores and combat the herpes simplex
virus. Added to bath it relieves muscle tension and soothes irritated skin. The oil is often added to skin preparations and
perfumes. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy and is very pleasant used in potpourris.
LEMONGRASS: For lust, psychic
powers and to repel snakes
LILAC: Protection, banishing
harmony and love
LOTUS: Spirituality, love,